94' X Consuming Oil but no smoke at the rear? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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94' X Consuming Oil but no smoke at the rear?


March 30, 2004
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Year, Model & Trim Level
94' Explorer Limited
My 94' X is consuming some oil. I put 10W-30 in it and drove it 350-400 miles and the check oil level light came on for a second and went off. I checked the oil. It was low, about 1 1/2 quarts. No blue smoke comes out of the back when cold or under load going up a hill. I pulled a plug and it looked like it was a little rich, not toasty brown. I cleaned the mass air sensor but it didn't seem to help. I have 160K miles on it. It still has lots of power too. Any ideas or it is just burning it?

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Sure it wasn't a leak?

I haven't noticed one. No oil on the driveway or in the engine byt the valve covers. No smoke when running and the hood is up.

How about underneath? Get the engine warm and get underneath it.

OK, I will go check. I checked it today after changing the oil and didn't notice it but I will go check right now. Also, no oil in the coolant. Just wanted to clarify.

Where would be the best place to spot the leak, oil pan, valve cover?

Maybe the timing cover too, oil filter, dripping down onto lower components....

Ok, I checked everything and no drips, leaks, anywhere. What about the intake manifold? I have heard it is good to retighten it. Normally, if oil is passing the rings you see it under load out the tail pipe. I checked it again on accel. and decel. and nothing. It is a little sooty on the exhaust though. No cat.

The intake gaskets are notorious for leaking and causing oil loss. Check the intake manifold for leaks(propane test, or some carb cleaner). Retorque the lower intake(head to lower intake bolts). A search on this site for lower intake will get you some information.

That said- 1 1/2 qts seem like a large amount for an intake leak- and 1 1/2 qts in 300-400 miles is serious. Im sure with that amount you would notice other problems - stalling, surging, pinging maybe, others. You sure your readings are accurate? Not on a hill? not after an oil change? engine stopped and oil drained to pan?

Could be a combination of things with 16ok.

Well, I changed the oil last week. 5 quarts and a new filter. Drove one long trip and some driving around town. Got excellent gas mileage too 25.5 mpg on the highway. Yes, I checked it flat, let it sit for about 15 mins. before checking.

The X runs great. Fires right up, smooth, has no problem going up hills or 70 on the highway. No smoke, or anything that would indicate a problem. It was 10W-30 oil too.

If it was consuming that much oil by the valve seals or rings I should notice it right? It would show some signs.

Twilightcall said:
If it was consuming that much oil by the valve seals or rings I should notice it right? It would show some signs.

Im sure it would show you something- 1 1/2 qts doesnt usually vanish in that short of a time period without letting you know in some way.

You didnt miscount the qts added or anything?

I guess its possible the valve guides could suck a qt and a half in, but I think you would see it on the plugs. Speaking of which- did you pull all of them- any look much different from the others?
Hows it been since the trip- still using oil. If in the next 400 miles you still are loosing a qt + then I would look hard at the valve seals.
Id still go back and check the posts on the intake manifold, and gasket. read them and then Id take a look at tightening and/or replace.

Twilightcall said:
My 94' X is consuming some oil. I put 10W-30 in it and drove it 350-400 miles and the check oil level light came on for a second and went off. I checked the oil. It was low, about 1 1/2 quarts. No blue smoke comes out of the back when cold or under load going up a hill. I pulled a plug and it looked like it was a little rich, not toasty brown. I cleaned the mass air sensor but it didn't seem to help. I have 160K miles on it. It still has lots of power too. Any ideas or it is just burning it?
When this happened to my 94 4x4, I had to replace the engine. It was loosing a quart every 1000 miles with no leaks or smoke.

does it smoke if u give the engine gas? sometimes they dont smoke at idle but will smoke on the throttle

So, you just replaced the engine instead of actually trying to fix the problem? Not to make light of it or anything but that's crazy. I'll assume that you had other problems with the engine that made you replace it.
