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94 XL Gas Tank Relocation

Well if the dang snow would give it a rest then i might be able to get started on this little project, and get some pics and do a write-up. But Snow, Low Temp, & NO Garage to work in right now have slowed it all to a hault... :( :(

well thats somthin i dont have to worry about down hear in the big easy, lol, that sucks, im gunna get to work on mine tommorow

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yes gas lines are gas lines but they are plastic lines an how u going to connect them cant just cut an splice it. so u have to use some connector. an how u going to switch from 1 to the other tank?

Dorman products makes a great kit for repairing or making new fuel lines. I have read of some using a switching valve from a F series or Ranger with dual tanks, I went the way of switching the pumps, and using one way check valves on the pressure line form each pump. These are acually available from ford as they were used in a recall on the F series trucks. The recall number was 93S68 , and the check valve number is 1L3Z-9J274-AA , and will run about $75.00 ea. These mount onto the sender, and the fuel line will snap onto it. I have also seen one way valves on Ebay which will also work ( the 5/16" ones). I used the ford one on the original explorer tank (front), and the ebay purchased one on the rear. As for joining the 2 fuel lines from each tank,I used brass tees and barbed ends just behind the fuel filter. Please keep in mind that I did mine while I had the body off of the frame.:roll:

yes gas lines are gas lines but they are plastic lines an how u going to connect them cant just cut an splice it. so u have to use some connector. an how u going to switch from 1 to the other tank?

plastic? they arent plastic, there are the steel fuel lines and rubber fuel hoses and also the rubber hoses with stainless mesh aound it with those darn stupid quick conector things (which conects to the tank then to the fuel filter) i was thinkin why not just run a regualar rubber fuel line from the tank to the fuel filter and connect them with the hose clamps like they did on older vehicles

The hose would have to be rated for high pressure fuel.

well i know mine are plastic. was looking at them on monday when changing the sending unit. they a grey plastic with a stainless spring lock connector installed in the end.
