95-97 Tail light Guard | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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95-97 Tail light Guard


Elite Explorer
March 14, 2011
Reaction score
Kansas City, MO
City, State
Kansas City, MO
Year, Model & Trim Level
1998 EB Explorer 5.0
Anybody seen them or have any? Looking for some since I'm getting a black brush guard here soon. Thanks for any input.

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Anybody seen them or have any?

Id like to find some too. i know they exist somewhere. any help guys? i wanna pull together the brush guard black visor and rack.

i have a set im not using

Anybody know of anything else on these?

WTF?? When I google them, neither one of those 2 sites popped up for me. Thanks again Jason. I just hope they mount to the two holes that the tail light mount too. I bought some of the Mankin ones and they mount to the sides of the tail light and after I pull the tail light out, there is no where for the tabs to mount too.

Did the ones from stmparts fit? I went to the website and it says it won't fit limited, I don't see how the limited could have different tail lights than other explorers of 95-01. Pretty good price too
