96 5.0 AWD Exhaust hanger for cats? Pics? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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96 5.0 AWD Exhaust hanger for cats? Pics?


Well-Known Member
June 24, 2004
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Anyone have a pic of the hanger setup for the cats by the tranny mount? I believe I am missing a part of the hanger and the part I have doesn't seem to match up to the tranny where I thought it might go. I might need to start searching parking lots.

This is what I have. I guess I need to replace that tranny mount too. Looks really bad in this shot. The exhaust is still loose, btw, so it might not be lined up where it needs to be exactly.


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That's not what my mount looks like on my 99. It bolts to the trans mount bolt that's missing on your picture, but it incorporates both those hangers on the pipes and kind of clamps around them so to speak.

And you are right, that mount looks bad.

new trans mount at Napa is like $18

The 5.0L truck has a 4 piece exhaust hanger at the trans mount, two rubber triangle shaped holders sandwiched between the metal brackets....

like this:


hard to see but best I have hosted online

Thanks guys. I seem to be missing the metal parts to make the "sandwich". I'll search again. I stripped the '96 Explorer so long ago now and moved twice since then, so it is hard to remember some of these things that are only common to Explorers. I found a triangle rubber piece that I thought looked like it could be part of it. Heck I saved even broken parts off the truck. I can't believe I might have actually thrown something out. If it only bolted to the trans, it has to be here somewhere...

Oh...and after reading my post a day later...I meant that I was going to search the parking lots to get a view of someone's stock exhaust. :)

Glad the mount is cheap. I guess I'll pick one up this weekend. I am tired of working on the bottom of the truck. I want to get to finishing up the top end and get this thing running!

that triangle rubber piece is part of it, there are two of those
They get snadwiched between two pieces of metal that latch together to form the mount, both pieces have the bolt going through them when installed on the trans mount

good luck!

ahhh...yes. I guess the other piece I had was for the 4.0. Good ol' pull-a-part had a few things I needed including this... Now just a few more things and I can turn my attention to the top of the engine and wiring.

That's your bogey!!
