97 2wd Ranger Converted to 4wd TTB V8 Tuff Truck. | Page 8 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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97 2wd Ranger Converted to 4wd TTB V8 Tuff Truck.

Ranger is getting some new shoes, well an extra pair..

Ordered some 33x10.50-15 Boggers today, so I canrun it in all the local mud runs, 33 and under classes, it should do fairly good.

Which also means I'm gonna start on my rear bum[per this week, since I don't have one yet. Now I will have some rear recovery points, Greg ;)

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LOL nothing to do with the Ranger but, some fun over the weekend.. :)


1st Tuff truck race, 1 week from today :) Very excited!!

Yep, I was aware of that, allready purchased frame reinforcement kit, to hopefully prevent that from happening. My understanding is it was happening more so from high speed runs, thru ruff stuff and hit maybe a wash out or little bit deeper rut??. Either way Im installing my frame reinforcement tommorow. But everytime I jumped it, before now I have been little nervous. :roll:

well 1st tuff truck, was good to see how my truck did, i didnt place cuase was having free wheeling problem in corners, crappy LS, thats ok last weekend, installed my Detroit locker, thats been sitting and waiting, and cured the issue.

Last night at Boone County fair grounds, ran 3 times, all 3 were fasted times. Got some huge air was fun. $500 and monster trophy. Hoping for a repeat tonight.

Way to go, B-rad! :thumbsup:

Thanks guys, that was on thursday night.. I raced again Friday night and brought home another 1st, so nice $1000 weekend :) 2nd race on last run I snapped passengerside upper axle shaft, but still sqeezed in the win, and fixed everything yesterday with spare parts :) pretty easy cause I was running c clip elimnator setup. I also went ahead lowered the rear 2inches, and for the next race I will be running some small tires. Get my center of gravity down..

Ranger might be going under the knife again, going D44 TTB :)
Got some 1.5 drop TTB brackets for D44 coming from CopyKat

Yesterday this truck, joined the Roll Over Possse :)

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