97 Ranger 4low Problems | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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97 Ranger 4low Problems


New Member
January 26, 2011
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City, State
Lynden Wa
Year, Model & Trim Level
97 Ranger XLT 4.0 5spd
Hey all, so I am having a problem with my 4low as you can see by my post. When I turn the 4wd know the 4high comes on and engages no problem, but when I turn the knob to 4low nothing happens and the light doesn't come on. I was wondering what could cause that to happen. I have already pulled the stereo to get to the GEM just in case that was it, but I would also know what else could be the culprit. A bad solenoid somewhere, or the shift control module? I don't know and I need help...:(

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Could be the solenoid on the back of the transfer case. It's only job is to ingage and disengage 4w low

You must be stopped, foot on brake and in neutral to engage 4x4 low just in case you didnt know that.

4low problems found

Thank you guys very much for the hints and info especially the stopped part with foot on the brake and in neutral....lol...I know some people probably forget that, but I ended up getting it diagnosed at the local dealership and they told me it was my hubs going bad that was causing this problem. So, they said I should buy manual locking hubs and they offered to install a kit for me for 560 bucks. I really dont know much about them other than they are about half the price of the original auto hubs that came with my truck. Anyone with experience on info about the manual hub conversion would be great. Again thanks for such fast replies on my 4low problem.:cool:

I would not go back to that dealer again. They are wrong!
You can't put manual hubs on a 97.
What you need to do is see if the shift motor is engaging when putting the transfercase into 4lo. You can usually hear the shift motor when you change the switch to 4Lo. There are lots of threads here to show you how to diagnose your problem. The easiest is to check you fuses. If you have your manual it will tell you which fuse goes to the transferccase. Sometimes just unplugging the connector and plugging it back in will solve the problem, as the connections get corroded and unplugging and plugging it back in cleans them up a bit.
Hope this helps:)


Thank you for the correction. I just looked and you have a 97 ranger not a 97 Explorer. Still I would bet that it is not your hubs. Does you ranger actually go into lo gear? you can tell that it revs higher and moves slower than normal.
If not, then your shift motor is not moving into lo gear.
