98 4.0 SOHC Tranny problems? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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98 4.0 SOHC Tranny problems?


New Member
August 16, 2000
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Automatic tran won't jump from 2nd to 3rd or 3rd to 4th unless floor gas pedal and hold for awhile - loss of power - SUV shakes. Ford said too dangerous to drive and need new transmision. Have 39,000+ miles and extended warranty - thank goodness. Anyone else w/same problem?

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Transmission fix

I've had the same problem, not once but twice. One at 87k miles and the second at 135k miles on my 93 Explorer 2Wd. I went to an independant transmission repair shop with a good reputation. Both times it was the torque converter ($325) plus various other parts. All together, $1,500 first time, $1,200 the next....the AL4D from Ford has a poor track record.

am I correct that you have the 5-speed auto that came out in, I believe, 1997?
I don't have a better solution for you than the one Ford offered. That's what you buy a warranty for. Use it.
Do you have the trailer option which includes a transmission cooler?
Since we seem to have a rash of posts about transmission problems lately, I'm trying to find out if they are across the board regardless if the transmission cooler is installed or not or if this option might help to prevent the problem.

Have 5 speed, 4wd and trailer tow pkg

Not sure about cooler - not really up on this but have trailer tow pkg. I got info off original sticker on Explorer. Never towed anything. Never gone off road. It's the mommy mobile for us - 2 little ones - 5 mos and 21 mos.


I too have the trailer package, not much more than a wiring harness, I believe. And I never have towed anything at all. In addition, I live in Houston where the only hills are overpasses on the freeway; and it's rarely been driven off road.

I know the first problem stemmed in part from my never having the fluid changed...big mistake on my part, which I then did at 20,000 miles after the 2nd repair but the transmission still went out a 2nd time after a total of 47k miles.

The trailer tow package includes the transmission cooler and the wiring harness.
Thanks for answering my question.
I was hoping that the transmission cooler might be the answer to the problem. At first glance, it doesn't look like that is the solution.
I'm hoping to get replies from a few of the other members that have had transmission problems to allow a more thorough analysis.

Hey Peter,
I have the tranny cooler on my 97, but the tranny still went out at 109K.

Still a small sample, but it looks like a lot (if not most) of us with the auto transmission can expect to have to rebuild it sometime before 150K.

Since I have the tranny cooler, I guess I was hoping to avoid this seemingly fairly common problem. Doesn't look like it. I just sold my '72 Mercedes with close to 300K miles on it and never had any problems with the transmission. I bought that car in '79 with 112K miles on it and had the tranny serviced once.
Well, I have only a little over 16K miles on my truck and am doing the factory recommended maintenance. Hopefully there are quite a few miles left before I can expect to get bit. :(
Thanks again for replying.

Tranny problem

Hi From Down Under
My 96 has 80000km on it with no problem at all with the 5 speed auto .
I replace the oil with redline high-temp at 50000km it made a big improvement to the shift with no feathering between the gears when hot.
seeeee yaaaaa

Auto 4 Wheel

Do you guys have the Automatic 4 Wheel Drive?

I am very suspicious of this system. The Ford techs tell me that it will often shift in and out of 4 by under normal (street) driving conditions. Any type of driving that cause the wheels to turn at different speeds will activate it.

I have to wonder if all of this jumping in and out of 4 wheel drive on normal paved surfaces is good for the transmission & transfer case or not.

A4LDE stinks!

I'm new here and already have found answers to what I was looking for. My 95 Explorer XLT 4X4 transmission has gone out again after only 21K since last rebuild! I am going to put an aftermarket cooler this time. I did all the leg work on the last rebuild. All the gears are aluminum according to the rebuilder. That is too soft for gears. Looks like I'll trade her off after this rebuild. I thought I got a lemon. But apparently mine is par for the course. Anyone have any longevity stories about the explorer's manual transmission?

i have 87,000 with no problems (Knock on wood) I just added an aux. trans cooler 2,000 miles ago. It was a b&M supercoler....the bioggerst one they make with the mounting kit. Previous owner also put in Red Line High Temp. ATF, whick I haven heard nothing but good stuff about. He did tow almost the whole first 74,000 miles on the truck. He said he never had any problems and I have not either. The trans fluid was changed 1 time...at 53K and I will have it done again in 3K miles to be safe. I DO have the facotry towing package, but all it included was the 3.73 limited slip I believe. All tyhe truck had was the tranny cooler thats IN the radiator, but i added the external large one...it is great!

My 2000 SOHC (8,800 miles, 2 1/2 months old)is in the dealer's shop currently. Symptoms - O/D flashing, wouldn't downshift to 1st at stop. First diagnosis: no problem, reset codes. Second diagnosis: valve assembly trashed, undrivable, replace valve assembly. Before I hear the dealer's explanation, I'd appreciate any input from you guys (much more trustworthy!). Is this part of the heat-related problem? Should I consider after-market cooler and/or superfluid? If so, won't that void whatever warrenty (I use that term advisedly) Ford may adhere to? Is it worth waiting (with fingers crossed) until the warrenty has expired to add after-market stuff?
I do have the trailer-towing package (although I have never towed anything), but am unclear if the extra tranny cooler is really there or how much good it does if it is!

I put a lot of miles on my vehicle, mostly high speed hwy but also some off-roading, in a desert environment. I loved my '93 Explorer, but if I have to worry about replacing a tranny every 80-100K (about every 2 - 2 1/2 years in my case) or having it leave me in the desert, may have to change my allegiance.

All input appreciated.

To know if you have the external trans cooler look in the front grill of your truck. if there is only the big radiator and no little cooler in front of it then you don't have the external cooler. If there is a ractangle smaller radiator type thing mounted in front of the big radiator then you have a tranny cooler. Either way adding a tranny cooler should not void warentee. I would ask your ford dealer though. If i were you I would put in a high temp synthetic trans oil, though. The oil will not void warentee as long as it meets ford's standards. Look in your owners manual to see what your truck requires. I have seen mobil 1 synthetic trans oil at stores all over, but if you want more protection try either Amsoil's High temp synthetic tranny fluid or Red Line's high temp tranny fluid. The previous owner of my truck changed the oil 1 time at 53K and put in red line fluid.

Explorer transmission

I would search out a couple of transmission repair shops that you know to be reputable and ask their opinion. The ones I have visited love Explorers, they rebuild them all the time, and I'll bet they will have at least one there that they are working on!!

Where can I find the transmission code? I have the V8 AWD, and I am wondering what model trans I have.

Hey all,

Just my opinion but I had the tranny in my wifes Dodge van
(B-150) rebuilt twice before it reached 130,000.(only light towing) My father inlaw suggested that I go with a Jasper rebuilt tranny because they totally rebuild the tranny not just the area that is causing the malfunction. Most shops according to him just replace the seals and/or parts that are affected. So the seals that are not replaced become even more brittle over time and they to fail within a short time and back to the shop it goes. So I went with the Jasper, almost 100,000 on it not a problem yet. My point is if your are going for a rebuilt get a Jasper.

My father inlaw has been a certified Mopar mech. for over 40 years but he just doesn't do trannys to bad for me because I get all my other repairs for free. Well almost all, he hates Fords and he will not work on my Xplorer. He was raised with Chevy's so he has a one track mind, all I can say is break the family tradition and XPLORER a FORD Daddy inlaw Ha Ha. :) I Love to start them chevy lovers up with that Ford talk

98 Xplorer

A4LD mess

Well, here I am again, after about 5k miles on my 2nd rebuild the tranny is slow to shift out of first when cold, first thing in the morning. So, I just dropped it off at the transmission shop. The guy thinks it is the vacuum modulator, we'll see later on today.

This is getting realy old.....
