98 explorer starting problems | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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98 explorer starting problems


Elite Explorer
February 19, 2006
Reaction score
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Year, Model & Trim Level
1994 XLT,
My son's 98 Explorer( he is buying ours) has been having starting issues lately. It will grind when trying to start. It seems to start normally after sitting for a while. for instance I get a call from my son saying the explorer will not start yesterday about noon. So I rescue him. He trys it after he gets off work at 5. still no go. I pick up my other son from work at 8pm. It is close to my middle sons work so I head over to see about just moving it from being parked in front of his work, ( he drives for Jimmy Johns ) I hop in turn the key starts right up. I drive it home no problem. get up this morning, try it starts right up. run it around the block. try and start it again no go. try it a couple hours later still no go.

Anyone have any idea what it could be? Starter? bad teeth on the flywheel?

Sorry to be so long.


I'd agree, first guess is the starter. Maybe the starter solenoid or relay.

I think I'd try an old school bump switch hooked directly to the starter. Bypasses most everything. If the start problem exixts with the bump switch when it exists using the key, pretty good bet the starter is at fault.

If the starter works perfectly with the bump switcb when it won't work using the key, its a relay/solenoid or wiring issue.

Would not hurt to check the wiring at the starter and solenoid.
