98 limited awd probs | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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98 limited awd probs


March 17, 2013
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Year, Model & Trim Level
98 5.0limited/2000 4.0xlt
on my 98 explorer limited 5.0 awd ,i tend to get stuck in the snow alot...front wheels dont asist me any.new tires all the way around.when i put it in park it doesnt roll.so what can i check or need to replace to fix my problem

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what tires do you have? how deep is the snow? any lift? are all 4wheels spinning? do you have limited slip rear diff?


See if it has a front driveshaft installed. Or get a V6 ;-)

You better make sure the fronts are even turning. I have 2 AWD's and you can't get them stuck.

i have new wrangler 235-75-15 tires,yes the front shaft is installed.
in a foot of snow when i get stuck both rear wheels spin while the fronts do nothing.
i dont beat on it and dogg it out,i avg 16-17 mpg
all the searching i did all i cud find was something about putting it in park and see if it can be moved will show a coupler problem in transfer case,,,mine wont budge in park

The truck won't "roll" even with a bad VC, it will slowly creep if parked on a hill. By slowly, I mean almost too slow to notice while watching it.

I tried my AWD in the recent snowstorm here and it did great. It sure sounds like your VC has a problem.

the vc.......is that the coupler in the transfer case?

Yeah, viscous coupling.

ok,i have a tranfer case out of a 2000 explorer 4.0 xlt.......wud the vc be the same?

As far as AWD goes, every time I've thought I was stuck, I just gave the ole 5.0 some "get up and go" juice and I free myself. With the amount of snow we've had lately and the areas I've had to drive I'm actually surprised even with my AWD that I haven't gotten stuck. I'm running year old stock sized Grabber HTS tires.

ok,i have a tranfer case out of a 2000 explorer 4.0 xlt.......wud the vc be the same?

negative. 4L uses an eletronically controlled 4WD system, your AWD is a mechanical full time single speed system. You wil need a VC from a 98-01 AWD t-case.

Correct me if i'm wrong but I think the VC was the same in all V8 models, 96-2001.

ok,i have a tranfer case out of a 2000 explorer 4.0 xlt.......wud the vc be the same?

ok i'm confused... if you have the t-case out of a 4.0L V6 (i didn't even know you could attach one of those to a V8 auto trans and i know the V6 trans will not fit a V8) then you don't have a VC or AWD. the 4.0L transfer case doesn't use a VC. do you have a knob on the dash to select/engage 4WD?

or are you just saying you have a spare t-case out of a 4.0L? if you can find a t-case out of an F150, that will work and give you true manual 4WD with the V8 trans?

ok i'm confused... if you have the t-case out of a 4.0L V6 (i didn't even know you could attach one of those to a V8 auto trans and i know the V6 trans will not fit a V8) then you don't have a VC or AWD. the 4.0L transfer case doesn't use a VC. do you have a knob on the dash to select/engage 4WD?

or are you just saying you have a spare t-case out of a 4.0L? if you can find a t-case out of an F150, that will work and give you true manual 4WD with the V8 trans?

I think he's just saying he has a spare 4L case lying around.

Correct me if i'm wrong but I think the VC was the same in all V8 models, 96-2001.

You could very well be right but I'm so used to a lot of parts being changed in 98 when I shop for my 01 I shoot for 98 and up to be safe.
