'98 sport from CA | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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'98 sport from CA


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July 20, 2002
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'04 F250 PSD
Hi. My name is Sarah. I'm from Northern CA. I have a '98 Sport XLT. I love it almost as much as Section525.;)
Ive had my X for about 5 months now and its awesome, except now that the weather is getting colder im finding that there's a problem with the idle. When I turn it on in the morning its super rough, going back and forth between 500 and 2000 RPM. After a minute or two its fine. Any thoughts?

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Welcome to the site.... Sounds like a possible idle air control valve problem....

Hi there, and welcome!
It sound like an idle valve problem, try cleaning it and if it doesn't work then buy another one. But make this your very last decision since it is not very cheap.

Hope this helps. :bounce:

Welcome to the site Sarah!

I'd check withwhat these guys said. Also, it's normal when the engine is cold for it to idle high to warm the engine up. If it's fluctuating, that's something different.

Good luck with the fix and glad you found us and Section525.


Hey guys!

Thanks for the advice! We cleaned out the IAC valve (you could say it was a little dirty in there :eek: ) then we started her up the next morning and still the same problem...idle is SUPER rough. So we tested the valve with an ohmmeter, and it read 2.5 ohms. apparently its supposed to read between 7 and 13. So i went ahead and ordered a new IAC. Hopefully, this will fix the problem!

Thanks again for the advice and the warm welcome!
