'99 1st gear downhill | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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'99 1st gear downhill


New Member
April 17, 2005
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City, State
Albuquerque, NM
Year, Model & Trim Level
'99 Mountaineer
Howdy All,

I've got a '99 4.0 Mountaineer. I've got a long steep hill I regularly 4x4 up and down (a paragliding launch site) and for the longest time assumed that 1st gear wasn't helping slow my descent because it wasn't geared low enough. I've since discovered that 1st doesn't "fight" at all, it just slides in to neutral when not accelerating (pardon the lack of proper terminology). 2nd does remain engaged, but only when in 4x4 low, and 2nd isn't anywhere near low enough for me. So I end up riding the brakes all the way down at 1 or 2 mph. Any faster and I'll start a slide that's frighteningly difficult to stop (it's a long drop off one side).
Is there any secret handshake to get 1st gear to fight downhill, or any available reprogramming?

Thanks for any suggestions!

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Low range? Get a manual transmission. I talked to a mechanic last week who told me that to maintain the low gear for breaking with an auto trans you must have torque converter lockup. We were talking about Chevy's. He had riggged his blazer with an electric switch, I don't know if it will help with a Ford.

You should be able to wire up a lockup switch for the converter. This will lock the torque converter up in any gear at the flip of a switch, thus giving you compression braking just like a manual tranny. It will (should) work on any electronically controlled lock up style tranny (which is what you have). Cant really point you to any write-ups on this one as i wheel old stuff that doesnt have wiring and whatnot. :p Maybe someone will chime in with a link to what im talking about.

Assuming you have a 4.0 engine with the 5R55E tranny, there is a TSB for this issue. Common problem. You can search for "no engine braking" for more info. Thread used to be sticky'd, but might reside in the Useful Threads forum now. You have loose valve body/leaking gasket in the transmission. It's an easy fix.

I don't know if this is of any help but my 96 4.0L with the auto trans stays in 1st just fine on downhills. I use it frequently around here to limit my speed to about 20 going down the steep hills without tons of brakes.


JasonF said:
I don't know if this is of any help but my 96 4.0L with the auto trans stays in 1st just fine on downhills. I use it frequently around here to limit my speed to about 20 going down the steep hills without tons of brakes.

You have the 4R55E which does not have the same gasket problem as the 5R, which I am certain is what his problem is.

Stupid Question But do you have to pay for TSB work done at ford?
im just a poor boy :(

More often than not, yes.

Recalls are free, TSB's are known issues that you get to pay for, since they don't affect every vehicle, and aren't usually a major safety concern.

thanks. (i learn new things here every day)
i guess ill do it myself

Awesome. Thanks for the link to the other thread, Jefe. Now to find out how much $$$ I would have to part with.
Am I correct in understanding that the fix may just be temporary?

Frink said:
Awesome. Thanks for the link to the other thread, Jefe. Now to find out how much $$$ I would have to part with.
Am I correct in understanding that the fix may just be temporary?
A few have had to fix it more than once, yes.
If you do it yourself it is just a few dollars in gaskets and some new ATF. It is not a difficult job. You just have to make sure all the little pieces get back together correctly, and its a little messy.

Mine was done at the dealership @ 60K when they did the tranny service (under warranty - didn't even let me know they were doing it). Have not had the trouble since and have 148K on it now.
