5 spd. gears scraping???? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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5 spd. gears scraping????

July 19, 2004
Reaction score
City, State
Charleston, WV
Year, Model & Trim Level
99 Sport
Hey, kids. Quick question here: I have a '99 sport 4.0 SOHC with 5 spd manual tranny. I've noticed its difficult to shift into 1st gear...even from a dead stop. (and yes, I'm pushing the clutch in!) Also, it scrapes when I'm shifting from 2nd to 3rd, unless I let the engine wind down some before shifting. I mainly just notice this when accelerating up a hill or pulling out in front of a 16-yr-old in a bright purple Dodge neon. In other words, if I'm driving with my mom in the car, it doesn't scrape. When I get on it, it scrapes when shifting from 2nd to 3rd. I'm guessing the clutch is either just getting worn out or it may need some kind of adjustment. The car only has 65,000 miles on it and the original owner babied it. I've never revved it up and dumped the clutch, so I don't see any reason for it to be worn out. I really don't know anything about the clutch system, so does anyone know if there is a way to adjust it? Any other ideas what may cause it? I've checked all the fluids and everything seems fine. :chug:

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Mine does this with a NEW clutch. Its the tranny.

Is my tranny slowly turning into a huge, oily paperweight or is it just the nature of the beast?

Its probably going bad. Mine has been doing it for well over a year, but I try and be as careful as possible. It seems to be getting worse, although very slowly.

To get into first, I have to do it while rolling to a stop. It wont go in when fully stopped.

Mine has those symptoms too. From reading other threads, it seems to be the clutch slave cylinder.

explorer4x4.com said:
Mazda 5 Speed Manual Transmission
Many Explorer/Navajo owners have went with synthetic transmission fluid hoping to extend the life of the transmission. I use Mobil 1 Synthetic fluid. Synthetic fluid handles high temperatures and pressures better then conventional fluids.
Another preventive maintenance tip is to replace the rubber plugs in the shift rail bores with steel freeze plugs. The rubber plugs have a tendency to dry up and leak, and/or fall out. The plugs are located in the transmission top cover and face towards the rear of the truck. The part numbers for the metal plugs are: Dana #219-3052 or Dorman #555-108, you will need 3 plugs to do the job.

The hydraulic clutch, slave cylinder/throwout bearing is another item you should pay close attention to. After time, the slave cylinder fails to release the clutch completely. If you are having trouble shifting into 1st and reverse while stationary or if your truck creeps forward with the clutch pedal depressed the slave cylinder/throwout bearing is probably at fault. Unfortunately there is no easy fix here as the transmission must be removed to replace the combination slave cylinder and throwout bearing.


I have a new Ranger and it does not shift any better tha the one I had 90,000-miles on. I asked my mechanic and he said that they all shift poorly. The first gear thing sounds like a slave cylinder or throw out bearing problem. There is some specific information on this site about this problem if you use the search feature. I drove my old Ranger for 30,000-miles with the same problem and it is still running. It would only act up if I was in traffic. You can cut the truck off then shift into first restart the truck and it should work. I would also recommend that you change the transmission oil. Synthetic oil seemed to help.

check the clutch fluid resevoir may be low.if you add any and check after a drive or 2 and its low again its the slave cylinder.just had to replace mine have to remove tranny to fix it.did myself and cost about $100 in parts so not expensive just labor intense

I had no idea that they offered 99 SOHC 5-speeds :confused:

I does sound like a slave problem though....at least the not going into first gear part of it.
