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99 explorer intake gasket replacement

are you sure you installed the stat in the correct position/direction?
it is possible to get a bad one as new too. best way to be sure is to heat some water to the opening temperature then drop the stat in there and see if it opens .
hopefully you get this figured out .

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are you sure you installed the stat in the correct position/direction?
it is possible to get a bad one as new too. best way to be sure is to heat some water to the opening temperature then drop the stat in there and see if it opens .
hopefully you get this figured out .

pretty certain...if it were backwards, wouldnt the truck overheat?

the manual does not specify which was is the correct way, so i installed it the same way the old one was.

which way is correct?

the spring end should be facing the block .once installed you should not see the spring .
i am sure your fine ,just trying to cover all the bases.

cool...ill double check that when i decide to pull it back apart again

If the radiator still isn't suctioning the coolant back
in during cooldown, there could be a leak in a
gasket or head crack allowing air to suction in.

Since the cap holds 16# pressure, there must be a
weak spot in the system that holds less than 16#
of pressure that overrides the cap seal...?
(Does that make sense?):)

Does the overflow tank have black residue inside,
or a strong odor of gasoline?


If the radiator still isn't suctioning the coolant back
in during cooldown, there could be a leak in a
gasket or head crack allowing air to suction in.

Since the cap holds 16# pressure, there must be a
weak spot in the system that holds less than 16#
of pressure that overrides the cap seal...?
(Does that make sense?):)

Does the overflow tank have black residue inside,
or a strong odor of gasoline?

that makes sense, but i have no idea how to "easily" find that out. there is not residue or order coming from the tank.

things seem to be going fine with the de-pressurized system. the truck is running cool and running strong. still no engine light. the radiator has spit up some coolant. i believe the coolant level is now low enough that it wont spill anymore

Might want to pressure test the cooling system to see if you have a small leak.
