A Bit Off-Topic.... | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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A Bit Off-Topic....


January 26, 2001
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Bedford, NH AIM: Chief Miscreant
Year, Model & Trim Level
'01 Acura 3.2TL
Anyone See and Like the '02 Focus SVT? My eighteen year old son likes it a lot.

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I have not seen it, but if it looks even remotley similar to the focus.. I won't like it.. I'm 19.. its trucks/suvs wit v6 or higher for me ;)

I've seen it. If I recall correctly, it has over 300 hp. I'm sure that car can move. As far as looks, not Aztec horrible, but a bit over the top, especially with the shelf it has on the back of it. Performance wise, it sounds like a pretty nice vehicle.


Volkswagen GTi is a far better car as far as styling and performance goes. the 5th generation Golf and Jettas will be avial with 300hp and all wheel drive. the street racing scene has been pretty interesting since Honda ruined the Civic. lets see what happens when the re-introduce the Civiv SI.


Nope, that picture of the Focus is an FR-concept from Ford. Now that is ugly.:D The Ford Focus SVT has a 170bhp version of the Zetec engine found in the ZX3 hatchback, and it uses the ZX3 hatchback as a vehicle it is based on. It also will not (supposedly anyways, they haven't released the number yet) have a torque dearth like the Honda Civic Si. Anyways, if anybody is curious as to it's look, etc., it's in the March 2001 issue of Automobile magazine. :D
