A/C clutch squealing/grinding? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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A/C clutch squealing/grinding?


New Member
May 18, 2003
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City, State
Ft. Lauderdale, FL
Year, Model & Trim Level
'99 Sport
My 99 4.0 SOHC Sport has suddenly decided to make a strange noise. It seems to be coming from the A/C compressor. It's kind of a squealing/grinding noise and I can't figure it out. All I know for sure is that some part of the compressor is the culprit. I don't know for sure if it is the compressor itself, the A/C clutch, or something else. The A/C still works great and blows very cold. Oddly enough, the noise seems to get quieter when the A/C is on. Any suggestions? Also, does anyone know the length of a serpentine belt to bypass the A/C compressor altogether? I know they have factory ones for the first gen explorers, but I was told that by '99 A/C was standard, and they don't sell them specifically any more, so if anyone knows the correct length, it would be a major help. This would only be a temporary solution to buy me some time to figure out what the deal is with the noise.

Thanks in advance,

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Do you have any black or red dust by the clutch? If so, the clutch is probably in the process of seizing. Are you sure the noise is coming from the compressor and not the idler/tensioner pulley?

As to the non AC belt, maybe try gates or dayco websites and check lengths. Dont forget to check the number of ribs and width.

Do you have any black or red dust by the clutch? If so, the clutch is probably in the process of seizing. Are you sure the noise is coming from the compressor and not the idler/tensioner pulley?

As to the non AC belt, maybe try gates or dayco websites and check lengths. Dont forget to check the number of ribs and width.

There is some "red-ish" stuff on the clutch itself, I had just assumed it was rust. I'll double check, but I'm fairly certain the noise was coming from the compressor.

I think you have an incipient compressor failure on your hands

Well I'm back from vacation so it's time to get this thing sorted out. I took off the serpentine belt and the compressor pulley spins freely and easily but does make a clanking/rattling sound. Also, all of the other pulleys fit nicely and securely, but the A/C pulley has a bit of play to it, like it seems to have a slight wobble when turning. When I turn the clutch, I can feel the A/C Compressor compressing but every 3rd or 4th turn it feels harder to turn than other times. I'm hoping it's just a bad bearing or something in the clutch, but I can't be certain. Are there any more ways to diagnose this, or should I start preparing my wallet for the cost of a new compressor?

Thanks again for all the help.

did you bypass with a new belt? and if so how long is it or a part #and brand of belt?

Hello! I have the exact same problem, was this ever solved? Can I just take the clutch off and keep my compressor? What about that belt? I'm just trying to keep my 99 alive. Please tell me what you did, Belt Length or type that can fit, something.....Please....
