A day on the trail. :) Many Pics | Page 2 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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A day on the trail. :) Many Pics

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Another pic that I liked.
Gotta love getting a tire off the ground, or outa the water. lol

Do you know someone with private land that does not mind letting you wheel there or do you have a lot of public land with access?

Do you know someone with private land that does not mind letting you wheel there or do you have a lot of public land with access?

It's just public land, with access at the end of a road right on the edge of town.
That spot was literally a 10 minute drive from my front door. :thumbsup:

I love the pics, I wish in South Carolina we had stuff like that, We have beach sand and a little bit of mud holes, not really any trails.

Some of our trails even have restaurants in the middle of them,

Hey Roadie,, did you also forget to tell him that most of the land that does not have a house on it in Canada belongs to the Government,, , , , ,:D:D

I know there is not as much trail land in the States as there is in Canada,,
we have much more wide open spaces where nobody lives,,
take a look around on google earth near the cities we Canadians live in,

how is your on road experience with the tires you have? Handling issues? Tire roar? Vibrations? Oh oh and MPG????

Hey Roadie,, did you also forget to tell him that most of the land that does not have a house on it in Canada belongs to the Government,, , , , ,:D:D

I know there is not as much trail land in the States as there is in Canada,,
we have much more wide open spaces where nobody lives,,
take a look around on google earth near the cities we Canadians live in,

LOL.. oh yes... the "CROWN LAND", yeah, that sounds like public land to me... unless someone tells me otherwise . ;)
how is your on road experience with the tires you have? Handling issues? Tire roar? Vibrations? Oh oh and MPG????
The tires do give more Noise than a highway tire, that's for sure, as far as handling, I find it much more responsive to the input on the steering wheel, I assume because there is so much more rubber hitting the road. and MPG... no idea what you're talking about.... :p: I don't even look at the cost at the pump... I'm sure it'd just make me wanna cry. ;)

I love the pics, I wish in South Carolina we had stuff like that, We have beach sand and a little bit of mud holes, not really any trails.

We've got those trails out west...One place I used to go play with my old Toyota, there was a hole that had a 3ft drop just go get into it...praying to god that your foot didn't slip off the throttle going through it or you were stuck (wouldn't even take my Dodge through it and it had taller tires). Sorry for the rambling...

Great scenery! Do you have a fully sealed airbox for the water crossings? i have a partially covered K&N, and that's one thing that worries me - getting water in the air intake. I think a nice enclosed steel airbox with some type of snorkel is my next project.

Great scenery! Do you have a fully sealed airbox for the water crossings? i have a partially covered K&N, and that's one thing that worries me - getting water in the air intake. I think a nice enclosed steel airbox with some type of snorkel is my next project.

I was also thinking of modifying a safari snorkel as one of my next mods, right now I have a stock intake.

I was also thinking of modifying a safari snorkel as one of my next mods, right now I have a stock intake.
I don't think I'll see much water anyway - it would be more of "just in case", but those sarafi snorkels that run up the side of the front guard and up to the top of the roof would do the trick. I doubt the door seals are water tight anyway, so you wouldn't actually wanna go that deep, but it would ensure that no unwanted spray entered the air intake in a flood situation.

yeah, I've just gotta get some measurements from the Safari snorkels, and find out which model will reach far enough ahead to meet up with the intake.
Of course they don't actually make one for our vehicle... :confused:

yeah, I've just gotta get some measurements from the Safari snorkels, and find out which model will reach far enough ahead to meet up with the intake.
Of course they don't actually make one for our vehicle... :confused:

Of course - i just looked at their site. One of the cruiser ones might be the go. The other Ford ones (F250, ranger) are for LHS fitment!

After seeing your pics I decided to look up the place you live. Wiki says there is a river that actually changes the direction in which it flows when the tide changes. That must be wild to watch.

Is Canada fairly relaxed about allowing off road vehicles on public land? They get very uptight about it in North Carolina. Very little of our public land is open to off road vehicles.

After seeing your pics I decided to look up the place you live. Wiki says there is a river that actually changes the direction in which it flows when the tide changes. That must be wild to watch.

Is Canada fairly relaxed about allowing off road vehicles on public land? They get very uptight about it in North Carolina. Very little of our public land is open to off road vehicles.

Yeah, they call it the reversing falls, it's pretty neat, they actually take you on "jet boat" rides through them, it's a pretty cool ride.
I believe it's the bay of fundy tide colliding with the saint john river.
As far as offroad, there's tonnes of room to play, and it's not closely monitored... I don't go out making my own trails, so nobody ever gives me any trouble.
But they have organized trails specifically for offroading as well. :thumbsup:

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why not get your local exhaust shop to fabricate a snorkel from tube and then have it powdercoated
