A4LD Input shaft slightly twisted OD Planet stripped | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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A4LD Input shaft slightly twisted OD Planet stripped


September 20, 2010
Reaction score
City, State
Austin TX
Year, Model & Trim Level
91 Explorer w/A4LD
Had forward only in OD and NO reverse. In neutral would roll forward but not reverse, had to put drive shaft to move in reverse. When I tore the transmission down the input shaft grooves at the torque converter were slightly twisted but could remove torque converter. The other end of the input shaft also was twisted and the inside of the OD Planetr was stripped out. I had to use a punch to remove the shaft fron the OD Planet. It the OD band was mostly 80 % dry. The question is would this be the pump failing causing this to happen???

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Did the pump grenade or just stop pumping? It wouldn't do that if it lost pressure.

Taking it the housing off but not taking the pump apart it looks like it just stopped. I cant move it by hand.

You realize you are will be required to post carnage pics...

I don't make up the rules:dunno:

Yeah I will try to get some pictures up this weekend. Glad I have a second tranny for parts.
