ABS Problem 94 Explorer | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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ABS Problem 94 Explorer


New Member
July 1, 2007
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City, State
Buena Park CA
Year, Model & Trim Level
94XLT, 00XLT
Hello Folks, I'm new to this forum and may have a question that's already been answered, if so, just point me in the right direction. I've searched the forum but came up empty......

94 Ford Explorer XLT, 2WD, V6 4.0L. STOCK.

I just replaced both pads on each front brake and driver side rotor. Passenger rotor is smooth and in fine shape. Bled both sides till clear fluid flowed. Now when braking, my ABS actives and alternately applies the front brakes but only at very low speed. Applying brakes at any speed above about 20 mph or higher, no problem. Brakes seem to work fine. But when coming to a stop, ABS goes bonkers below about 10 -15 mph. The front brakes are rapidly applied (pulsed) alternately. Brake pedal is also pulsed. I think only the fron brakes are effected, can't be sure though. Does not feel like the rear are being activated. My trusty 94 Explorer front end rocks side to side.

The ABS light seems to be operating properly. Comes on for about 3 seconds when I start the engine and does not come on while driving/stopping.

Again, problem is with 94 Ford Explorer XLT, 2WD, V6 4.0L. STOCK.

Thanks for your assistance.

Also have 86 E350 Club Wagon XLT, 00 Explorer XLT, 04 ExcursionXLS. We are a Ford family.

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Same truck, same problem! Its the ABS sensor!

I have / had the same exact issue after paying for a brake job. I brought it back to the shop that did the pads and they said I was crazy. I had them bleed the brakes and still had same problem.

I subsuquently disconnected the ABS sensor on the side I knew was the problem and the phenomenon went away. The ABS light is always on since the diconnect but at least the car stops properly now. I will eventually replace the sensor when I do my next brakejob MYSELF. The trick for you, will be to isolate which side is bad. I would assume the side that WAS in the worst condition before the recent brakejob is the problem.

Hope this helps! You Can Do it!


Those external ABS sensors often become dirty and thus fail to work. Inspect them each time the rotors come off. They shouldn't be very expensive either, check/clean them, or replace them. Good luck,

Thanks for input

Thank you mawrazen and cdw6212R....Advice well taken. I will check both wheel speed sensors first chance I get. Never had this problem before...this is the third time I replaced front pads, (wife is heavy on the brakes driver). Actually I never even knew that these sensors existed.
Thanks again...


They are metal attracting, magnetic because of the passing metal tone ring etc. The symptom you have is typical of the ABS sensors, it confuses the ABS at low speeds, and thus engages the ABS.
