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November 24, 1999
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Kansas City, MO
Year, Model & Trim Level
'97 Eddie Bauer
I have a 95 XLT. I have been having a re-occuring problem with acceleration. The scenario is: my "Check engine" light will be on, then when I am at a complete stop and press the accelerator the engine will act like it is going to stall (and has three times), then all of a sudden it will take off. The strange thing is, it will only do this when I am under 3/4 tank of gas. It has never done it on a full tank. Any suggestions/ideas?


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When I had a similiar problem it turned out to be the MAS or MAF (whichever one) You might try cleaning it to see if it helps. I'm not sure about the tank being full thing though.

Maybe fuel filter? How many miles do you have on your current fuel filter?

If it does it for weeks and weeks on end, then you can rule out bad gas, unless you get gas at the same place all the time.

Also you might run some fuel injector cleaner through it.

Spark plug wires or the plugs themselves may be going down. It just all depends on how many miles are on these parts.

But it also could be a dirty MAF, as was said already.

Fuel filter, or intank fuel pump sound like the culprit n/m


It could possiby be the fuel pressure regulator. I had almost the same symptoms except that it stalled more than yours and did it even when driving highway speeds. Replaced it and have not had any problems since. Hope this helps.

If you are sure it only does it on a full tank, then you must have a crack or gap up on the pick up tube.
