Adding Explorer door keypad lock/entry to Ranger? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Adding Explorer door keypad lock/entry to Ranger?


Well-Known Member
January 9, 2010
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City, State
Upper Michigan, USA
Year, Model & Trim Level
1996 Ford Ranger 4.0L V6
I have the opportunity to grab parts of off an Explorer Sport before it is junked, and I was wondering what it would take to put the keypad lock/entry system from an Explorer into my Ranger? Obviously cutting a small space in the door for the keypad, but aside from that, what wiring/parts would I need, and where would I tie the wires in to, if it's possible at all?

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The Explorer keypad works as an input to a module which then controls the lock solenoids. The module could be either the Remote Anti-theft Personality module or the Central Security Module depending on the year. In the case of your 96 Ranger, the module goes by the RAP name but it is probably a different RAP module than the one in the Ex Sport.

My 2003 Ranger has a CSM and I reprogrammed it with a dealer tool to enable the keypad function using the hexadecimal code from a 01~03 Sport Trac. A Taurus keypad was cut into the door and now operates the CSM unlock functions through a small diode adapter box.


Can something similar be done on a 96 with a RAP? I don't know. It's electrically different from mine. Possibly with the right combo of parts and programming.

The easy way out: Ford sells a wireless, universal, self-adhesive keypad that functions and programs just like your keychain fobs. You'd be up and running in minutes.

Stick-on Ford accessory keypad:

Wow, I didn't even know that existed. Heck with wiring; I'm picking up one of those. Thanks!

Ford dealers usually get $100 or more for the kit. Check eBay item 170467498180 at $55 shipped. Before buying, be sure to verify that it will work on your 96.

This thread is few months old, but if your like me, its takes a while before you can find time to do a mod.

From my experience the RAP module is the same for certain year Explorers and Rangers. I took a RAP module from a 98 Explorer Sport and compared it to a 1999 Mazda B-Series. Part numbers were exactly the same. The Mazda even had the default keypad code stamped on the label.

In theory you should be able to route the wires from the keypad into your existing RAP module and use the default key.

Here is what I would do:
Find you RAP module (see below picture), it looks like its either under the seats or in the rear of the cab, behind some trim pieces.

Look on the FORD sticker on it for a 5 digit number, you may have to peel back some foam on the outside of the box to see this:

If you have this number you should be in business.

All you would have to do is run around 8 wires (I would cut the harness that has the wires pre-pinned (explorer) and re-pin those wires into your current harness connector to give a splice point.)

Diagram from a 2000 explorer:

Up to 1998, explorers had a antenna plug on the box for a radio style antenna for reception purposes. In 1998 they changed frequencies which allowed an internal antenna to be used.
I really don't know what they did for Rangers over the years.

Well this should get you started on your mod if you decide to go the wired route. The pros with this way is that you don't have to worry about replacing batteries in your keypad and it doesn't appear to be as bulky as the wireless version.
