Adding factory options post purchase? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Adding factory options post purchase?

dont slow down

Well-Known Member
December 1, 2014
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Elizabeth City NC
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2022 Explorer Limited
Has anyone added any factory options to their vehicle after purchasing it? I have thought about adding a couple of them to our 2013 XLT. Specifically the power lift gate and possibly interior lighting. I would like to know if it's something worth upgrading or even economically feasible. I saw the interior light kit on the Ford accessory site and it's a little pricy but not outrageous. Is it a plug and play type installation or more involved? Same with the power lift gate?

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Welcome to the Forum dont slow down.:wavey:
It is possible to add Ambient Lighting, the after the fact but be aware it is not the same as the factory installed one. The factory one is much better has more areas that light up and believe possibly more colour choices. The power liftgate can not be installed afterwards.
You may want to check out;

It would also be very helpful if you added the model of your Explorer to your profile so that it always shows in the margin.


Has anyone added any factory options to their vehicle after purchasing it? I have thought about adding a couple of them to our 2013 XLT. Specifically the power lift gate and possibly interior lighting. I would like to know if it's something worth upgrading or even economically feasible. I saw the interior light kit on the Ford accessory site and it's a little pricy but not outrageous. Is it a plug and play type installation or more involved? Same with the power lift gate?

The main issue is the vehicles base electrical system, without certain options you don't get the wiring harness that an option like power liftgate requires.

The main issue is the vehicles base electrical system, without certain options you don't get the wiring harness that an option like power liftgate requires.

That's not always the case. I would say the majority of the time it is but sometimes the harness is there and just not utilized. My guess would be its not there and there would always be programming changes that need to be made. Could it be done...probably...would it be worth the effort and trial and error....probably not.

When purchasing a vehicle, it's always best to figure our all the options you want and get everything before ordering or purchasing. Even seemingly small items tend to be pricey, if not impossible, to add at a later date. Most non factory add ons are inferior to the factory.

I've been caught in the same situation myself, and kicked myself later for not getting everything I wanted.

Welcome to the Forum dont slow down.:wavey:
It is possible to add Ambient Lighting, the after the fact but be aware it is not the same as the factory installed one. The factory one is much better has more areas that light up and believe possibly more colour choices. The power liftgate can not be installed afterwards.
You may want to check out;

It would also be very helpful if you added the model of your Explorer to your profile so that it always shows in the margin.


Thank you for the links! I did not realize that there were two different kits. It would be great to be able to find the factory kit rather than the other kit. Since we purchased the car used we were limited on features and while we aren't picky it would be nice to have the lights. I will also update my model to my profile, thanks!

That's not always the case. I would say the majority of the time it is but sometimes the harness is there and just not utilized. My guess would be its not there and there would always be programming changes that need to be made. Could it be done...probably...would it be worth the effort and trial and error....probably not.

This was my thought. I also have a 04 F150 2WD yet it has the connections for a 4WD truck, the plugs just aren't utilized (and no transfercase, etc). I was hoping that adding a power strut, controls, and key fob would make it a plug and play type installation. I may do some research to find out if that is the case or not. I was curious if someone else had been down this road already. The power strut is only $219 on ebay so if it is easy enough electrically it my be worth the money.

The same issue came up when people wanted to add 2nd row inflatable seat belts. I made some inquiries through the Explorer electric team and it was confirmed if you don't order a specific option bundle you don't get the harness. Let alone the seats are different with the special anchors and buckle.

^^^ Yes, it was an option to have the 2 outside seat belts in the 2nd row that have a built in airbag that inflates. It looks more like a body pillow that goes across your chest along the belt.

Ive posted before about adding things and never gotten an answer, particularly concerning the OEM fog lights on a base Explorer. I need to know if the wiring harness on the base explorer has the plugs to accept the fog lights. I know the headlight switch has to be changed out. I just need to know if the truck is wired to accept the OEM lights. Have done many searches and cant find the answer.

I would never say "never" on adding factory options. Rather, it may be 'cost prohibitive' or 'extremely time consuming'. With my Escort ZX2, I added power mirrors in about 15 minutes, all wiring was present. I saw how easily some added cruise control for the ZX2 Hot Coupe models.

But.... it wasn't worth people's time/money until enough of the vehicles started showing up in the junk yard where you can yank not just all the parts, but often times the wiring harnesses too (if needed).

That said, even with junk yard parts, it may still not be worth the time, but then I don't see the value in adding things like lift kits, so what do I know.

At the moment, I'm not aware of any simple hacks to add factory options.

I would be leery of any mods that require flashing software. Keep in mind, while it may not be a big deal to flash some software updates to add features, others have the potential to brick modules in your vehicle, especially those involved in the security of the vehicle like the BCM. Bricking a module on your own will be very difficult (if not impossible) to get covered under warranty. The dealer most likely cannot recover most bricked modules without the IDS session data and will likely have to replace the affected module.

My 02 XLT does not have the wiring but does have the pull out light switch for the fog lights. I bought a pair of lights, mounting brackets and the "holy" bezels from another member on this forum. I'm going to make my own harness including aftermarket relay and see if I can hook them up to the existing switch. I let y'all know if I succeed or not.

My 02 XLT does not have the wiring but does have the pull out light switch for the fog lights. I bought a pair of lights, mounting brackets and the "holy" bezels from another member on this forum. I'm going to make my own harness including aftermarket relay and see if I can hook them up to the existing switch. I let y'all know if I succeed or not.
Keep in mind that there are likely several differences between the '02 you have and the 5th generation Explorer.

Keep in mind that there are likely several differences between the '02 you have and the 5th generation Explorer.
At least several would be my guess. Thanks for the tip. It would be nice if it were plug n play (it's not) but I'll learn more this way.

For those of you that want to add a option that your Explorer doesn't have that has to do with wiring you really should take a look under your vehicle and see if the wiring is in place or not. It would be even better to look at one that has the options that you want and then compare yours to the other vehicle.

In today's world I would wager that 90% of any and all wiring that is put into a vehicle is identical from the base model to the highest end on on the lot. However there might be a section or piece of a wiring harness that you might have to either find in a junk yard or purchase from a dealer. Then there is the programing that might have to be done to get the new option to work.

I know on the F series truck that just about all the trucks share the same wiring harness from one end of it to the other, but the options will vary along with the programing of them.

When purchasing a vehicle, it's always best to figure our all the options you want and get everything before ordering or purchasing. Even seemingly small items tend to be pricey, if not impossible, to add at a later date. Most non factory add ons are inferior to the factory.

I've been caught in the same situation myself, and kicked myself later for not getting everything I wanted.

This absolutely works if your purchasing the vehicle new, but does not when purchasing a vehicle used sometimes.

This absolutely works if your purchasing the vehicle new, but does not when purchasing a vehicle used sometimes.
Or buying off the lot.

I feel for the OP, but in most instances it is nearly impossible and crazy expensive to add options after the fact. That’s why the high-end models cost so much more! That’s why I only buy vehicles that have all the options I will ever want, and a few I didn’t know I had to have(
like the messaging seats, and auto dimming headlamps).

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I've turned the auto dimming headlight feature OFF. Better than the one in my former 1964 Caddy but still not quite there in my opinion. Do your seats really message or do they massage?:D

