adrenalin wheels | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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adrenalin wheels

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so ive been not wanting to do this but im going to try and sell these wheels...i bought them about 2 yrs back and theyre still in the original shipping boxes i received them in...wheels are sand blasted...i wanted to powdercoat them flat black but didnt want to start this project until my other wheels sold but they did not...still trying to sell those also...i cant get a picture of them due to the snow and ice covering my shed in the back yard...if anyone is interested and lives near by nyc i will try to attempt to take them out...trying to get what i paid for them which was ship its most likely going to cost some money...will try and dig them out this sunday and get some pics up if your interested and live locally to check them out let me know thanks again....

EDIT - im leaving the original post up and adding that sometimes people dont have time to always update a post...things like life get in the way and if you dont like them move need to get mad or bash others...definitely want to say sorry for wasting peoples time on reading these stupid posts on this giving you all a pic of my wheels...and you tell me if you would still sell for 600 after spending more in them...price is 1000

edit- 2 weeks after original post my svt wheels sold finally and thats why i decided to paint these...


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When you get them out, please post how much they weigh and pictures.

I'm interested and can pick up. Get back to me.

Don't bother offering on these. I offered the $600 this person is asking for and to pick them up and the response was, "nah, no thanks. Thanks anyways". Dudes a joke.

very mature of someone to bash a post...if you dont like it move on...since i lasted posted i powder coated the wheels im not going to sell them for 600 which was my original price after i spent more money to powder coat them...when you low ball someone and get dissed dont get mad

Trying to fIgure out how giving you your asking price is low balling....suppose I should have offered you double. Perhaps you should update your post so those of us that were interested can make an offer instead of getting your response of "nah, no way".

Trying to fIgure out how giving you your asking price is low balling....suppose I should have offered you double. Perhaps you should update your post so those of us that were interested can make an offer instead of getting your response of "nah, no way".

Don't like it move on. Very simple

Update your post to not mislead...

Even more simple.

Trying to fIgure out how giving you your asking price is low balling....suppose I should have offered you double.

Maybe he forgot about the thread or something. No need to get all bent out of shape about it.:rolleyes: Just a simple example of mis-communication.

Update your post to not mislead...

Even more simple.

If u didn't like that I refused your offer than u shouldve moved on...not sit here like a little kid and be immature about it and start bashing need to get mad because your not getting the item for what u want to give...

Haha you mean for what you still haven't updated???

As do'd rather go back and forth instead of listing your new price.

I live in FL. Would you be willing to ship them?

As do'd rather go back and forth instead of listing your new price.

why are you still interested in this thread if i already told you no to your offer? let it go

I'm still waiting to see your new price.

Apparently. Yet still no new price...

Price and pictures would be appreciated...

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Must not be interested in selling. nygbrad showed interest, but seller was more interested in the bickering. huh.

Agree with cort0352 - how the hell is anyone supposed to know you got these powder coated??? As far as I read, you wanted to, but decided to just list for $600 as is. Now all this bantering? Maturity? Hmm...

Just update your post and get on with it.

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