Advice - 5R55E and P0741 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Advice - 5R55E and P0741


Well-Known Member
June 30, 2008
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City, State
Lakeville, MN
Year, Model & Trim Level
'21 Explorer XLT
Vehicle in question is a '97 Explorer with the 4.0SOHC and 5R55E transmission. 181,000 miles on original transmission, no rebuilds etc...

O/D light started flashing last week. Pulled code and shut off flashing light. Drove the X again for a few more days with no issues, but the O/D lamp started to flash again yesterday. Pulled the P0741 code again.

Transmission shop noted that the tranmission is driving fine (other than the code), fluid is in excellent shape and at the proper level.

The common link between the two events was high/warm outdoor temperatures and heavy A/C usage. In both cases, the A/C was on "MAX". The temp guage did not indicate any overheating or noticeably change from normal (though we all know what sensitivity is there is not great). At idle, the engine was occasionally raising its RPMS to 1200 or so, I'd assume in an effort to get the cooling fan to do more work.

Advice for now is to continue driving while avoiding long trips that would benefit from TC lockup. Monitor RPMS and relationship to issues with temps.

Any thoughts or ideas on where to go next?

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The Beginning of The End?

That torque converter will not last much longer without lock-up. Since your fluid still looks OK, you MAY be able to prolong the inevitable with some valve body & solenoid work, but who am I to say:

But there is a new guy on here JK080, that guy knows his stuff, hopefully he can help out.

Had her out tonight. No issues with lockup under normal operating temps in cooler conditions. Will monitor again tomorrow when it is supposed to be in the upper 80's/ 90's again to see if we've got something temp related (temps of fluids or air?)

It will get worse, not better...this I DO know. Best wishes.

The causes for that code can be a few things, the easiest thing would be the TCC solenoid, or valve body issues. The other things would be the pump or converter itself. If it seems to happen more when its been driven for a while or when its hot I would lean towards the valve body.

There are a few valves in the valve body that can wear out the bores and cause the fluid to leak and pressures to drop causing TCC issues. Sonnax makes valves and fixes for these valves, but they can be expensive for a one time use. I would replace the valve body if I where you before tiring to fix yours.
Keep in mind this is a very common code and it can be tricky to completely fix, I cant tell you exactly what will fix it with out inspecting everything involved.

If that truck came into my shop with that kind of mileage with that code I would want to rebuild it, I can guarantee there will be other issues inside the transmission that will be a issue soon. You have done well to get that kind of mileage out of that trans.

mine did the same at 170k

lasted about a yearbefore it finally gave out. nothing like seeing gray sludge in your tranny lines when a week before the fluid was bright red. drive it til it quites or get a replacement to be prepared.

Mine started at about 165,000 miles, then gave out at 174,000. And as BlackBeauty stated, the ATF turns very gray, very quickly. The man who owns the local trans shop said 135,000 miles is typically when he starts to see problems in the 5R55E. He summed it up by saying "It is a small, compact transmission, in a relatively heavy vehicle." YMMV

Thanks for the comments. Pretty much in line with what I was expecting, and I agree that I have no complaints for getting 181,000 miles without any problems on this unit until now. It owes me nothing! Coworker has a similar Explorer that had its 5R55E rebuilt at 115,000 miles, and then again at 230,000. See a trend?

We're having the honest discussions about next steps. Just based on body rust, I had already given it a max life expectancy of 1 to 2 years before needing to do something else. Does it make sense to do a rebuild if I only expected another year or two based on body condition? Probably not.

In the meantime, we'll keep driving it (put on about 200 miles since the light last appeared without problem), and make a decision on what to do.

Likely guess is this will go in as a trade in on a new vehicle - a private sale in this condition isn't going to gain me much.
