Air bag code 12 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Air bag code 12


New Member
June 6, 2015
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Paia, Hawaii
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I got a 95 two door Explorer that sits at my cabin for three or four months between uses with the battery disconnected. I've got three lights on: air bag with code 12, check engine with an error code and the overdrive lite blinking but the overdrive button works fine disengaging overdrive. I'm Going through the electrical connections blindly. Anybody got any ideas? Thanks

I'm looking at the air bag code chart and I don't see a code 12. As for the other issues, you'll need to get the codes read and post them up so we can try to help. The OD light flashing isn't necessarily an OD issue. The OD light flashes for any trouble code tripped for the transmission.

Code 12

I found code 12 is low voltage. Checked and found 10amp fuse blown. Replaced it and blew again. Must be short somewhere. Where should I start? Thanks.As for the check engine, when I PLUG IN MY CODE reader it reads "err". Still checking....Ok,regroup.My code reader is OBD 2 which does not read codes for my 95. Got to find another reader and still work on the airbag electrical problem.
