Solved - Air bag light code number 21. | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Solved Air bag light code number 21.

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Elite Explorer
January 28, 2013
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City, State
La Habra California
Year, Model & Trim Level
94 EX, 86 Ranger
My 1996 Aerostars air bag light just started to flash today it flashes twice then a pause then one more I'm guess its 21 what does that mean and how do i fix it thats one thing i got no idea how to fix

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I stopped trusting the airbag system in my 1997 and completely removed the air bag and disconnected everything. In your case it might be the so-called "clock-spring".

so i need to replace the air bag computer

I dont even no what that is :( how can it not be mounted correctly nothing has changed on it since it was new and it just started to blink when I was setting idling in a parking lot looks like its black tape over the light fix

The diagnostic monitor is the air bag module which is located under the dashboard next to the door chime module. The air bag module is blue in the photo, and the chime module is white.

so i need to find a different box and replace it or is there a way to fix it easily or should I just pull the air bag light bulb

Disconnect the battery, wait at least 10 minutes, unplug the module, clean the contacts, plug it back in, then reconnect the battery.

Oh ok that sounds easy ill try that and let you no if it fixed it

Did it work?

well I just went and unhooked the battery and when I when to pull the computer harness the whole box fell out and had part number hand written and 95 Aerostar in white paint it must have been replaced theres a picture of it


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It's a junkyard part. I would suspect that it's defective. You should try cleaning the contacts anyway just to see if it makes a difference.

I did just that i cleaned it up and reset the computer and so far no blinking air bag light i drive it mostly every day so ill keep a eye out on that light

well so far so good been driving it the last few day and the light has stayed off hope it stays that way to thank you for the help

well the light came back on a day ago now with a code 14 and when I run the key in ACC. mode the blue green box makes a nasty sound like a distorted beeping sound that louder then the radio at some points sounds like its really time for a new box

its seems to keep pulling different codes every day it is something different :(

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