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air bag light


January 19, 2009
Reaction score
City, State
Buffalo NY
Year, Model & Trim Level
06 Mountaineer
I have a 2006 Mountaineer that I purchased a few days ago. All seems well, but the airbag light is on already. It doesn't flash, it just stays on when I turn the engine on.

I've read a lot of airbag threads, but they all seem to be older vehicles. Any fixes for this problem on the newer models? Can autozone scan this, or do I need to head to the stealership? Thanks!

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I had the same problem, and since your from my area, Doyle Ford took a week and could not figure out the problem. It seems that it takes more than 20 cycles of the ignition to turn the light off. I assume that if something is sitting on the passenger seat, like four 2 litre pop bottles, it will set off the air bag light.

Awesome. Bought this to replace a 99 Grand prix that wasn't having any problems, but mileage was getting pretty high. Glad I replaced a trouble free vehicle with something that's gonna drive me crazy with idiot lights.

Anyone else?

How cold is it there? I have had a few times where there was nothing on my pass. seat and the light was on for until the next time i started it again. It was very cold an the truck sat outside for a few days without me driving it.

Pretty cold, but not brutal. Lows in the single digits, wind chills around 0, highs in the teens. I'm assuming it was colder in MN. Still might be cold enough.

my 06 eddie did the same thing this weekend. when the truck warmed up it went out. hasnt come back but it was bitterly cold when it was on. let it warm up and drive it around, if not pull battery for 5 mins and see if it comes back on.

Wifey just texted me, the light is off for now. I hope this doesn't become a habit! FYI, I didn't really do anything, so it basically went off on it's own. Thanks for the advice.

im sorry to say this, but get used to "problems" with your new vehicle. By far this has been the worse vehicle i have ever owned.

PS it was -20 temp, with wind chills to the -40 range last week.

Ugh. That's what I'm getting afraid of. The light's back on this morning...Haven't even owned this thing a week yet, and I'm already annoyed. That's not a good sign. I've always been a GM guy, and thus far I'm not impressed with what I've seen from Ford.

My main concern is this: This is my wife's car. If the air bag light is on, and she gets into an accident, will the airbag deploy properly? One of the main reasons I got this car is for the safety aspect. I'm not convinced I made the right move.

I would take it back to where you bought it from, how many miles are on it? Possible lemon? the airbag system i believe has a unlimited mile warranty (due to safety features).
