Alarms with pagers... | Page 2 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Alarms with pagers...

hmmm. im probably just going to go to best buy and have them do it. just have an alarm and keyless entry and remote start all in one. the othger thing i was thinking about is this thing i saw on a yukon the other day. he has a button that actually opens the door for him.

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Damn ... If your that lazy that you dont want to open the door for yourself why are you driving? Get someone else to drive you where you want to go. LOL

This is truely becomeing a LAZY MANS world. I can see the unlocking of the doors because when its raining you can unlock your car from the door and then run to your car and just open up and get in.

its not becuase im lazy. i just think it would be hella cool. and batmobilish

It's always cool until you accidently press the button while you eating dinner with your girlfriend/wife (either or both) and she has to ride in the wet spot all the way home!!!!



