Alignment needed when Upper Control Arm replaced? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Alignment needed when Upper Control Arm replaced?

June 16, 2009
Reaction score
First a bit of info on what was previously done.

Dealership replaced lower ball joints (driver and passenger) and then did an alignment. After this was done they went to do a state inspection and said the upper control arm (not sure what side) had some play and would probably require replacement within a year. Service director said I should probably have it replaced now so I gave the go ahead. Got a call that the UCA has been replaced and asked if they redid the aligment. Mechanic said an alignment isn't required because it's a stationary control arm. I did a some searching and everything I'm finding says anytime a UCA is replaced an alignment should be done. I'm wondering if this applies to the 'stationary control arm' the mechanic is referring to as well.

Short Version:

UCA replaced. Mechanic says UCA is stationary and therefore doesn't require an aligment be done. Is this correct or should an alignment be done regardless?

Thanks in advance.

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That's what I thought. They're arguing with me about it saying it isn't necessary. Any suggestions on what to say to get the point across?

The bolts that retain the UCA are in slotted holes. These holes are slotted so a person can adjust the arms for alignment purposes. Unless the new arms were put back exactly in the same place, and that the new arms and old arms have identical dimensions, one has to assume that it must be aligned.

Thanks for the replies.

What does he mean when he says the UCA is stationary?

He is saying he doesn't really know squat.

show him these---lol


which you use to turn this


And tell him I want 75 bux to show him how to do it

^^^ I'll split the $$ with ya and we can go out for a few beers


Before doing the alignment, they should have checked out all other components, and let you know the upper control arm was suspect. I would have them cover the cost for new alignment


for the $ you pay to get a dealership to do work, I thought at least that would be a quality job. Gotta wonder how many other people keep coming in complaining of problems that aren't being fixed properly. They are giving a bad rep to Ford.

At least you thought enough to come here to ask for help.

I would ask him why the upper control arms have cam bolts...wonder what they are for.
