am i the only one with 3.55's ??? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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am i the only one with 3.55's ???


Well-Known Member
August 22, 2002
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Lee's Summit, Missouri
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2005 Ranger
i see Xplorers with 3.73 and 4.10 and even some 3.27's but nobody ever has 3.55. im just wondering how many others have 3.55's. thanks

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I've got 3.55s and I may be mistaken, but I think TwoToneX has them too

EDIT - There are most likely lots more people with them

NO, you are not the only one with 3.55s

I had a 3.55 limited slip in my '94 2WD Ranger, does that count?

My brother in law has a 93 2 wheel drive explorer with 3.55's, much better than my 3.27's, be happy you don't have those.

I have 3.55's. When I bought this truck, I didn't realize what a world of difference gears could make.

I have a 3.55 open diff.

I have the 3.55 open 3200.

By the way, what the hell does the 3200 stand for? Towing capacity or what?

Originally posted by dejello
I've got 3.55s and I may be mistaken, but I think TwoToneX has them too

EDIT - There are most likely lots more people with them

Sweet, someone pays attention to my posts :smoke:

Yup, I've got 3.55's as well.

I remember a post a while back about whether you pass people, or they pass you... We have similar setups (33s, 3.55s, 4.0 v6)... I pass people all the time, and I think you said people pass you.. I guess drivers in Austin are more aggresive

My sis has 3.55s in her 02

Originally posted by EXPLODER-1
My brother in law has a 93 2 wheel drive explorer with 3.55's, much better than my 3.27's, be happy you don't have those.

Hey, my '91 had 3.08's when I had it. Now, that sucked. My '94 had 3.73's, and believe it or not, it felt like I jumped into a racecar compared to driving the '91, but not as extreme as when I got the '97 Mountaineer with a V8 and 3.73's. Now, this one feels like a racecar except when I've been driving something decent like a Mustang or GTP or something will balls. After driving 2 rental cars for 2 weeks in Michigan, the Mounty felt like a racecar again.

i have open 3.27s in my '93 sport and open 3.55s in my ladys '91 eb....believe it or not, i like mine better (but then again, i have a 5-speed manual)

I have 3.55 open on my 96 XLT 4x4 w/ OHV. Cruising economy is pretty good since It only tachs 2500 at 75 MPH. But there is not much passing power, I think I would like the 3.73 better.


Me too 3.55 open diff


3.55 open differentials are the most common for 4-door Explorers.

This thread kinda peaked my curiousity, so I started a poll...........Dead Link Removed


3.55's in my 00 Sport. I feel they are a good compromise gear for both accelleration and fuel economy.

me too, 3:55 open


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3.55 open here. BTW, will I have any problems running 31s eventually?
