An Ode to Rick | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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An Ode to Rick


Elite Explorer
July 5, 2001
Reaction score
City, State
Riverside, Ca
Year, Model & Trim Level
'01 XLT 4x4
I read a post this morning that kind of got me thinking. I don't know if Rich, Char, and the others (Moderators n' such) realize all that they have done for us by developing, maintaining, dealing with all the BS that goes around with keeping this site up. I know personally this site has saved me hours and hours of time that I would have spent researching on my own. It's also probably saved me a lot of money... Then again, before I joined the site, I wasn't planning on modding my X... So in reality, this site has cost me thousands of dollars...

Sorry for getting off topic. Anyway, I just wanted to start this thread to say "Thank you Rick, Char, and all the others" for putting this site together, and coordinating runs.

Everyone feel free to post their appreciation on this thread, that way the Moderators can always come back here to cheer them up if they are ever feeling down.

I'd also like to start a on going poem for Rick that evenyone can contribute to. Make it nice since this is suppose to be a "Thank You" poem, but try to make it funny too. I guess I'll start it off:

An Ode to Rick
"Oh thank you Sir Rick for all you've done,
this site had been pleantyfull and Truck loads of fun"

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"And the site is well built too, it is so fine...
A perfectly good way to pass the time":D

"Oh thank you to moderators who make this site work,
Hopefully I do my job without being much of a jerk!"

:D Dead Link Removed

"Even us members without any powers,
Can still search and search and post for Hours"

:bounce: :bounce:

Thanks Rick and Char

Originally posted by Yomie
"Even us members without any powers,
Can still search and search and post for Hours"

:bounce: :bounce:

funny, and true!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
thanks y'all!!!:D

If you wanna have some fun and learn a lot
This SERIOUS EXPLORATION board sure is hot.

So come on in and join the fun
With good ole Rick that son of a gun:D

To the moderators and everyone else who runs this joint...

"I sit here for hours a day
Just so i can play
With all the good threads.

All the **** going through my head
On what to spend
My next pay check on
And then it's gone

I'm sure glad
When i think of the stuff
That i blow off everyday
Only to sit here and play
Just went away...":smoke:

"Staring at my computer screen
things become so small
my Ex makes movies in my dreams
and puts pictures on my wall"

- Thanks Rick

from "streeters" to "beaters",
and off-roaders galore;
i really love this thread...
nah... im just a post-*****. :p

Here Here!!!:chug:

I would have to say the same that this site has helped me immensely with learning the ropes of 1. working on my Explorer and 2. Knowing just what is going on to make this mad machine work.

Hats off to those that make this place tick!!!:D

(continued from James T)

"...Having fun til I break things,
and call the Xplodor a darn Wh... ...Chore!!!:D

There can be no better place to gather for us Explorer Extraordinars,
Rick is our leader through the Canyons and all the amazed stares.

"What's this I see, an Explorer OFFROAD!?!?!?"
As we crawl past those HEEPs, that sit like a toad!

For we are the fresh, the new crew in town,
Three Generations... and the tuffest around."

"Trails are no match for the F. O. R. D.
after so many beers we must stop and go P!":chug:

LOL thanks for the thoughts guys. I appreciate it and I'm sure all the moderators do too. :D

Many a day, many a night
Serious Explorations, what a wonderful site!
I sit and I search,
and dream till it hurts!!
Exploring everything under the sun,
thinking who to thank for all the fun!

"I think of lots of modding,which leaves me thinkin',

My X will never be as cool as the great pumpkin:D"

i would also like to say thank you, yes this site has cost me some money because of all the good products i learn about, but spending the money is all worth it because of the fun things i can do with my rig. this site has gotten me through some tough times, weither it be searching for a problem with my rig, to personal problems in my life, all the moderators and rick and char are great. i probably wouldnt have the rig that i have or the knowledge i have of it either. so thanks and keep up the good work, i have shown quite of few people this site and they like to read it and look at the cool rigs on here.

i would also like to say,
to every man, woman, and creature;
if you're unsure of what you're about to post,




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Im shedding a tear...

Thanks for the compliments guys... (although they are probably not directed towards me) LOL :D
