An Ode to Rick | Page 2 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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An Ode to Rick

With the D-44 in the mail,
I pray the swap will be a smooth sail.

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"For guide us he does, what a great lad,
I still wonder when, we're gunna party at HIS pad?!?!?

Thanks Giving has come, so start up your motors,
Truckhaven calls, for all us Exploders!!!"

Through out the year I read all the post,
But the pictures from trail runs is what I like most!!
From carnege to flexing, and and the scenery I enjoy,
I'm just a big kid, building a big toy.

Thanks to all that help to moderate an awesome site!!

no rhyme, just cheap camera brewtality...for those that dont get it... im f'n drunk...


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LOL James!
