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Another rear end noise


July 7, 2005
Reaction score
City, State
Talladega, Alabama
Year, Model & Trim Level
1992 XLT 4D 4wd
My 97 XLT has started having a strange noise coming from the rear end. It sounds something like a rock in the tread. I have checked and the tread is clear. I have also checked both E-brake assemblies and they are good. The noise is not very loud and hasn't seem to get any worse. It's been doing it for 600+ miles. The noise is still there when I am coasting although it doesn't seem to be as loud as when under constant speed. I did jack up and tried to wiggle the wheels. The left side is tight, but there is a very slight vertical movement in the right side. Could I have a bad wheel bearing?:rolleyes:

Doesn't anyone have some input? I would appreciate someone sharing their knowledge and experience to help me diagnose my problem.
