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man your X would look mean with some lights on the roof,
looks good already though!!!

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Now that is purdy, mate!

man your X would look mean with some lights on the roof,
looks good already though!!!

Thanks Nick! If I ever did any roof lights they would have to be really low profile...I'm about 3" from scraping the top of the door on the garage. Hopefully the ones up front will be enough!

I might put some backup lights under the rear bumper though!

not the best picture but here is the skid plate I had made...


Thats all that I have right now. I had Brandon at BTF make it while he is making the upper arms for it. As soon as I get the truck back from him I will be sure to post some more pictures of the arms and the skid plate.

dirtball looks awesome bro and ronin did you see any abnormalities when you cracked open the diff? shavings/ chunks of metal?

Ronin the ride looks awesome. And Dirtball that skid plate looks great and will be functional as well. But will it kill the air off the trans cooler?

Good question. The skid looks awesome. Maybe you should drill some holes in it though to allow air?

there should be plenty of air flow around the skid plate and through the air dam in the bumper. its not boxed in on the sides so air will come in from all around it. At some point i plan on replacing the tranny cooler with a larger one. I may also put some dimple died holes in it for both look and function.

the first time i run into something in the desert i will be mor than happy it is there. id rather scrape it up than take out my radiator or tranny cooler.

i may also get an e fan since the desert doesnt give me much cool air.

dirtball looks awesome bro and ronin did you see any abnormalities when you cracked open the diff? shavings/ chunks of metal?

No it looked alright. There was kind of a grayish sludge lightly coating everything but otherwise nothing else but stinky gear oil.

I still had them replace all the bearings and seals when I had the gears installed though. Locker I put in myself. Hope to get the diffs swapped into the truck this coming week

anyone know the max front and rear GAWR to run 265s with no lift with no rubbing?

No it looked alright. There was kind of a grayish sludge lightly coating everything but otherwise nothing else but stinky gear oil.

I still had them replace all the bearings and seals when I had the gears installed though. Locker I put in myself. Hope to get the diffs swapped into the truck this coming week

I may have missed this, but what kinda locker is an where did u get it??

It's an Aussie locker for the it from part XD-48831. Some modification needed to make it work with the IRS 8.8 but nothing your local machine shop can't handle. Writeup is in progress and will be finished when I complete the install...maybe this week sometime?

It's an Aussie locker for the it from part XD-48831. Some modification needed to make it work with the IRS 8.8 but nothing your local machine shop can't handle. Writeup is in progress and will be finished when I complete the install...maybe this week sometime?

alright i cant wait to see the finished results, deff get a good write up.
I was lookin at "lockrite" 8.8s

Lockrite is the same basic thing but may have some slightly different parts/specs.

is the aussie locker a constant lock, is it locked 100% of the time?
cause i know the lockrite is

Wow that's clean .. is it a 4.0 or 4.6?

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