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Another year older


Elite Explorer
Moderator Emeritus
June 25, 2000
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City, State
Loveland Co.
Year, Model & Trim Level
1994 XLT
So in some ways it sucks getting old, but today I had a blast. Yesterday went to the doctor & he put me on high blood pressure medicine, then today Teri & I went on 51 bike ride. In bike world you ride the miles of your age.

Teri was awesome, she has only been riding for a few months & she did the 51 miles with me....

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I feel your pain. Ill be 51 a week from Saturday. I will not be riding 51-miles. I'll go to the gym, but I will not be overdoing it. I have to keep myself from overdoing it, because it take much longer to recover.

beats the alternative

Getting old beats the alternative. Many years ago while in college I rode my bicycle long distances (up to 60 miles). By your rule I would now have to ride my bike 65 miles. Instead I walk briskly for 30 minutes three times a week.

Getting old beats the alternative. Many years ago while in college I rode my bicycle long distances (up to 60 miles). By your rule I would now have to ride my bike 65 miles. Instead I walk briskly for 30 minutes three times a week.
That is true, I would rather be above ground any day.
I know a few people & see many people that are still riding in there 60's & that is my goal...

you guys are role models i'm turning 19 Saturday and i cant even do that i think but i might push a hefty 2, i don't know i haven't ridden on the bike trail before and need to see how far i can go, ill count it out for you Saturday and tell you guys my results

sorry guys i didn't go biking 19 miles i did bike tho, my ex broke down so i spent all Saturday in a hardees parking lot trying to resurrect my car that wouldnt turn over

sorry guys i didn't go biking 19 miles i did bike tho, my ex broke down so i spent all Saturday in a hardees parking lot trying to resurrect my car that wouldnt turn over
Bummer you didn't get out & ride. We had perfect weather yesterday so went for a 35 mile ride, with over 1,000 ft. of climbing. It was slow, average speed was 11.3mph, but my top speed was 44mph & Teri's was 36mph, which is her fastest so far.

Teri now has over 700 miles on her bike since we bought it back in June.

Im not sure I will get that number anytime soon, but yeah I spent my birthday with my car trying to trouble shoot. Doesnt work when the electonic plug is burned and now I need to repace parts
