Any bright ideas as to where i can put switches | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Any bright ideas as to where i can put switches

Does anyone have any good ideas as to where i can install several switches for lights and such in a 97 XLT? I've seen the installs where people stick them in the kleenex holder in the arm rest, but I stick mcdonalds napkins in there for all my boogers. any other ideas? Some of the switches are about 1" deep as well if that helps any.

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Originally posted by Blue Steel
I stick mcdonalds napkins in there for all my boogers
Just had to say that I LMAO after reading that...

I have switches in four places in my car.

1. Right by the stearing wheel. Heres what i did. If you look, you will notice that there is a plastic sheilding right around where your knees are when your sitting in the drivers seat. This is the piece of plsatic directly below the stearing wheel. You can take this piece off by unscrewng 3 or 4 screws by the bottom of the plastic (requires you to literally stick your head under your drivers side dash. Once this piece of plastic is off, you can then find a plce where you want the swtich. There are some complications however. There is a big piece of metal directly under the plsatic. If you want to mount a switch easily, you have to have the switch mounted prety close to the stearing wheel. This is so that there is enough room for the swtich. (there is about a 1/2 inch gap between the stearing wheel and where the metal starts (plsatic covers this gap, therefore you can drill a small hole and put a metal flip switch in). If you want to mount the swtiches a little ways away from the stearing wheel, you will have to dremel out a piece of the metal to fit the swtich. I have not done that yet (and don' t plan on) because i don't feel like messing with that.

2. The second place where i have mounted switches was in my glove compartment. The swtiches in there control all my strobes...cause i don't want any of my stupid friends flipin the strobes on "by mistake" when im next to a Cop :)

3. The third place i have mounted switches is by the front passengers seat. Not the best aceesible place for switches (to turn them on and off from the drivers seat) but there is enough depth to mount square or circle lit switches (i know that for the models of explores below the 96, there really issn't to much space for swtiches in this location). You can see a pic of the lit swtiches here - Dead Link Removed (if the link doesn't work, click and paste - geociteis has been acting gay lately)

4. The fourth and final place i have mounted switches, is right by my right foot in the drivers side seat. If you look at our center console, and follow the plastic to where your feet is, there is a slack where nothing "importaint" is. That way you can drill some small holes and stuff a few swtiches there.

Hope this helps, sorry its so long!


thansk bigtigexplorer. good idea right by the radio, but i have factory radio, so sucks for me :( bmxboy, love the idea right next to the steering wheel. i was looking for a space under the plastic shield, and that blasted metal piece was there. i managed to mount a not very deep switch in the plastic close to the floor, where there is a groove in the metal. never thought of by the wheel though. thanks. bmxboy, do you have any other pics of the other places where you put switches besides right by the passenger door?

Hey Blue Steel - Give me tonight to take some pics, and i'll post them tomorow k?



Ok, go to these sites and you can see pics of my swithes.

For the first picture you can see the two switches by my feet, and two my the stearing wheel.

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For the second picture, you can see the switch for my strobes in my glove compartment...yes i know its messy :)

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If the links don't and paste...Geocities has been acting kinda gay lately.


awesome. thanks for the pics bmxboy and mattadams. now i've got some ideas. damn... that means more money spent on the explorer. oh well. at least i'll have something to show for it when it's all gone :)

I've got several switchs setup in mine. Two by the steering wheel(one for switch box, one for reverse lights) as well as a switch box mounted on the dash that holds 5 switches. This powers my lights on the front and I've got the wires ran for it to control the quick air compressor I've got. I got it at for around 50 for the box, wires, and switches. Makes for a clean install(when I can get it working...darn it me.)

Well i have two switches right now located under my aftermarket radio in that little black strip of plastic. but am in the process of making a new console.

Trying a switch pic.
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how about in your ash tray ??
if you dont mind lossing it or dont use it, you could do some like "hidaway" switches. especially if you dont want people messing with them. but i dont really know how many you could fit in there??
oh well just a thought


I had a different idea altogether.... I have a 12Volt breaker switch box (actually made for deck lights, bildge pump etc on a boat) that alieviates the need for fuses altogether..... it is pretty big and is easily accessable to put on other accesories or more lighting.... I took out my ashtray/cupholder and put it in there... I'll post a pic of it in a while.... I think it's pretty cool....


hey i like the idea of the breaker switch. i can get one easily because my friend works on boats for a living. could you please post the pics of it. thanks.

okie here it is

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or if that doesn't work :

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A pic of my new personalized license plate



I still have to fabricate some kind of plastic surround for the box so it will look better in the place where it is at... I will look around for the website that I bought the breaker box from..... and post it when I find it ...hope this helps


ExplorerEB96 - What are those switches for? Thats a MASSIVE swtich box! Props to you.


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