any one ever put a newer steering wheel on | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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any one ever put a newer steering wheel on


May 4, 2010
Reaction score
City, State
Savannah, Georgia
Year, Model & Trim Level
2001 XLT
i was thinking it would be cool to swap to a newer style ford steering wheel and wire up all the buttons and have a working airbag too on my exploder.

has anybody done this. any other cool interior mods?

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wow thats an impressive install. anything easier haha?

would a 2001 sport airbag switch into my xlt's wheel?


Not a lot. The Ford Truck wheels have a keyed cutout for the spline. Ford car wheels are smooth with 2 flat spots. That's why the Mustang wheel was so involved.

HERE is an auction for a Sport airbag, if you want to compare the plugs, they have a wicked good closeup magnifier. I think it's the same...

I placed a '01 sport trac steering wheel on my 98 XLT. It was the darker gray (graphite) than what my lighter gray in my 98. To match the steering wheel darker gray, I painted the air bag to match. The airbag doesn't come into daily contact like the steering wheel, and it has not shown any signs of wear or rubbing off for over 4 years. You must be sure when you paint the airbag you don't get any over spray into the air bag itself that might effect deployment of the air bag.

I placed a '01 sport trac steering wheel on my 98 XLT. It was the darker gray (graphite) than what my lighter gray in my 98. To match the steering wheel darker gray, I painted the air bag to match. The airbag doesn't come into daily contact like the steering wheel, and it has not shown any signs of wear or rubbing off for over 4 years. You must be sure when you paint the airbag you don't get any over spray into the air bag itself that might effect deployment of the air bag.

Any pictures of this?
