any one live near san jose ca? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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any one live near san jose ca?

jared ajlouny

Well-Known Member
September 8, 2003
Reaction score
City, State
san jose, california
Year, Model & Trim Level
'95 XLT 4X4
hey, im new here, i am 16 and i am goin to lift my 95 explorer 5 in. i was wondering if anyone lives near san jose california. if so email me at if u want to help me lift my explorer in the begining of january some time let me know and ill buy u lunch or somthing. peace

Lunch to install a 5" suspension?

Dude....try a keg of beer at least. :)

hahaha I am always down to help out, but time is $$$, especially around the holidays.

Now some details.
How are you going to lift it 5"? (what kit)
Extended radius arms or no?
Spring over in the rear? (with hte Stupidlift kit or custom)?
