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Any other women get grief?

AJTurner said:
We don't do all things together though. I have things that I do that she chooses not to take part in and she has the things she does that I choose not to take part in. We believe that there has to be "mandatory seperation" activities (other than work). This way you still have a sense of individualality while sharing your lives together.

Now see that right there is what it takes to maintain your sanity in a relationship, at least in my not-so-humble opinion. Especially if you're a bit of a loner to begin with, lol. It gives me hope to know that there IS a couple out there who can still rock on and not drive each other away, thanks for sharing ;) Welcome to the board, btw!

My biggest hurdle in keeping a continuing relationship is that most guys turn to cars for their 'mandatory seperation' time; hanging with their buddies, knocking back some cold ones and BS'ing... which is where I am ALL the time :confused:

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Well I think I have best of both worlds.... Tell me if she sounds interesting....

She's a Mechanical Engineer who works for cummins on big 30 liter v 12 diesel engines... yeah thats right I said 30 LITER. Knows a whole lot more than me about engines now. She likes the outdoors and horseback riding. Likes offroading (what little we get to do). Yet on the flip side she can get just as girly girly as anyone I've ever met. She sells Mary Kay makeup and does pretty well at it. She has more of a fashion sense in her little pinky than I have in my whole body. It really is like dating two different people sometimes...

We're getting married in a little under two months after dating and living together for 4 years.

97BlackX5.0 said:
We're getting married in a little under two months after dating and living together for 4 years.

Well best of luck on that, but i think a girl with split personalities ;) would drive me insane.

a girl ME, thats a rare one. there are only a couple at auburn but they are really cool and one of them really good looking and is so much hotter cause she can really talk about trucks

Me toooo!

Two of my favorite types of stores in the world are building supply stores and any auto shop (Heheh, I FINALLY made it- for the very first time- into a Bath and Bed and Body or whatever just before Christmas, but ONLY to get a requested gift for a friend!!). When my hubby and I go to a car show or woodworking/tool expo, I HATE the way I can ask questions or put my two cents' worth in, and the salesdudes just talk to my husband like HE'S the one who spoke!! ERGH! I love helping out with any vehicle task, and actually doing the work on my ol' VW Bug. Camping out-- I mean, REMOTE camping out-- is the BEST! I have no idea what 'season' my skin tone is, I've never ordered from any 'chick' catalog, and don't even know what most of that junk in the make-up area of StuffMart is for! YET...I can, when needed, spend no more than 30 mins. getting fixed up and will look HOT for a nice date in town. I talk like a lady-- though not a snob-- because being a bit of a tomboy doesn't mean I have to be crude, but love to hang with the guys, and always have, 'cause they know how to have FUN!! Nah, Spas, you're definitely not alone! We're out here! :burnout:

OMG! It's back from the dead again!! :dead: I had to go back and reread my first post just to remember what I said, LOL.

XChick, glad to hear from another self sustaining chica out there :)

Just some thoughts on this ancient matter: When I first posted this thread I was very naive and unsure of my place in the world, and since then life has taught me many lessons in love, loss, and trust.. on top of how to handle, in my own unique way, the issues of being a woman in a man's field of expertise. I am humbled and flattered to say that I've inspired quite a few women to learn more about how their autos work and that they're not nearly as helpless as they've been brought up to believe. My irrational hatred of girly girls and princesses stems from personal beliefs and an inability to feel pity for those who won't help themselves- it doesn't mean that women who are overly feminine and/or prone to crying or whining instead of fixing their own problem are bad people. Actually, I've found that men seem to PREFER women who 'need' them (I can't fake being helpless, therefore I am doomed to stay single, lol :rolleyes: ). This extends to the guys who used to cheese me off by offering to help, although I'm capable of doing whatever by myself. I don't look a gift horse in the mouth anymore: You wanna lift my 150 pound transmission? HELP YOURSELF, BUB! :D I've also learned that even the toughest tomboy needs to doll herself up and feel as good on the outside as they do inside. If that means knowing the best makeup to buy or having a ridiculous amount of fashionable clothes, so be it. Believe me, greasy ripped clothes aren't HALF as appealing to the opposite sex as magazines purport them to be! Being one of the guys means letting a lot of your feminine side go, though, and it's taken me a long time to learn not to get offended when my coworkers start talking dirty or oogling a pretty woman in the waiting room. Now I pitch in and am very capable of making THEM blush, ha!

Men are men, completely clueless most of the time to how a woman feels but they generally mean well ;)

Men are men, completely clueless most of the time to how a woman feels but they generally mean well ;)

Isn't that the truth. Hope everything is well with you.

XChick, welcome to the site

aw, i just stumbled upon this thread... i'm one of those girls i guess, grew up on a farm operating heavy machinery, helping my dad fix tractors and trucks, but played girly girl in college and when i lived in big ol city chicago, lol. but now i live in CO and there are lots of girls like me here! love it. there is nothing wrong with being a girl into autos and maintenance and guy stuff!!!

anyway, sorry for the thread revival, just had to comment :)

Spas, you said your single again? or.. Seems like I read that you had a boy friend in a earlier post in this thread? If you want to chat with someone about boy friend, girl friend relations shoot me a PM. I enjoy talking about stuff like this and have my own issues going on with a girlfriend who is sorta like you, independent, a little stand offish, doesn't want to need someone. We've already had a run in about that but it's holding together. I think a gal can be strong, do her own auto work but still work on being feminine. You have to decide what kinda man you want though. A submissive type, somewhat dominant or over the top dominant. If you want either of the last two you're going to have to change your MO(method of operation) somewhat. That's up to you though and figuring out what YOU need and want.

Nitro, I've had a few love interests since the creation of this thread- unfortunately for me I seem to attract only the ones with glaring emotional issues. Like the blind crackhead who is still a pathological liar, a hopeless drunken kleptomaniac, some who were "seperated" from their wives (can't believe I fell for that one more than once) and this last one- who has 3 kids and is still madly in love with his ex wife regardless of the fact that she cheated on him.... but he's been the the most noble and respectable one I've dated thus far. Although I've had a tendency to take whatever I can get in the past, I'm slowly learning that it's just better to stay single and wait. And hope. I"m fine with adapting my life and personality to new relationships since I believe that compromise it what keeps them together... I just haven't found any guys worth adjusting to.

Sounds like your girl might be thinking the same thing? Thanks for the invite to chat but I don't have AIM or any sort of instant messenger anymore because I got tired of being jumped with stupid pointless messages every time I log on. I love my friends but DAMN can they get repetitively annoying! ;)

Nitro, I've had a few love interests since the creation of this thread- unfortunately for me I seem to attract only the ones with glaring emotional issues. Like the blind crackhead who is still a pathological liar, a hopeless drunken kleptomaniac, some who were "seperated" from their wives (can't believe I fell for that one more than once) and this last one- who has 3 kids and is still madly in love with his ex wife regardless of the fact that she cheated on him.... but he's been the the most noble and respectable one I've dated thus far. Although I've had a tendency to take whatever I can get in the past, I'm slowly learning that it's just better to stay single and wait. And hope. I"m fine with adapting my life and personality to new relationships since I believe that compromise it what keeps them together... I just haven't found any guys worth adjusting to.

Yeah, reading this post made me go back through this thread. Lindsy sweetie, hold on to your principles, somewhere there is someone who will respect them. If not, well being alone is so much better than getting into a f'd up relationship.

Not all girls are into shopping, and the like, I hate it and don't go unless I have to. And it seems my two daughters are following in my footsteps

In also looking back at this thread I also see that I was right and wrong about my daughters, and found out something about myself, the fact that I can do the girly thing if the need arises

My oldest daughter, Jessica(24) is into role-playing games (World of Warcraft, etc) which not many girls do. She wants to get into Graphic Design as a career. She met a boy in the role-playing chat rooms when she was 16. After a first chaperoned meeting when she was 18, they visited each other every year. In February 2008 he called me to ask my permission to propose to her. They became engaged when she visited him last August and she moved to Michigan a week before Christmas to get to really know him before they get married. Their wedding is planned for July 4, 2010, So even though I won't be caught dead wearing a dress, I will be wearing a very nice, girly pants outfit sitting and being the proud mother of the bride

My youngest daughter, Jeannette(16) wants to be an auto mechanic and has ever since she was little, but she has her girly side too. Yesterday we went to find a swimsuit and sandals for her and it took her TWO HOURS to choose what she wanted, we had quite the argument over her sandals, I feel sandals don't have heels while she likes heels (I think it's because she is only 5 feet tall and she hates it)

Honestly Spas you gotta ditch this new guy ASAP.. You're just investing yourself emotionaly when he's not vested in you at all. That's one thing I can't do, be in a one way relationship. Maybe you should try some online dating. Plenty of Fish is a good free site. Put up what your hobbies are and that you expect a guy to participate. LOL!

my girl gets flicked **** all the time. when i met her she was just finishing the build of her 71 GMC (rare) longbed stepside truck. she built most of it while her dad rebuilt a mustang. she painted it and did most of the engine work. she also stained the wood in her bed and bedlined her truck.

the other day she went into a auto parts store for header gaskets for round tube headers and they told her that she doesn't know what she's talkin about, that that specific year had square tube headers or some BS. luckily i wasn't there.

the reason i keep her? free oil changes... lol i sit back and have a beer while she does my oil change, except this last time... working on my truck, she does alot of the prep work, like jackin it up, impacting the lugnuts off pullin the 33 off, hanging the shop light...

I love her... which is why i proposed january 1st at 12:01 AM. to be married august 15th... and she don't care about a big glamorous wedding like some women..

Girls that can work on cars or machinery, is the hottest ####ing thing on the planet.
I dont see how guys can treat girls like trash just because they are interested in Guy Stuff.

If i saw a girl that drove a large truck or works on her own stuff, that's an instant turn-on.

I worked around alot of truckers, as far as I saw, most of them LIKED women in their field.
But i guess you always got those few rogue ones who give everyone else a bad name.

Maybe this thread is a little old but I'll throw out my frustrations too!
I get harrassed a lot, by guys and girls for different reasons. I am a tiny lady (5'2" under 100lbs) and I love big trucks. I know I look a little silly since I have to slightly jump into my truck, but I'm so sick of people thinking I'm driving my dad/brother/boyfriend's truck. I hate the cutesy comments and the questions. Yes I did do the lift/body work etc myself and no I don't need your help to get into my vehicle.

It bugs me when I go into autostores looking for products. I know I'm not the typical buyer, but I would appreciate if salespeople wouldn't talk to me like I'm 5.

Girls can also be as ridiculous. I would consider myself a girlie girl, I spend a lot of money on hair/clothing/nails etc. It's not all hot pink but I do love getting dolled up. I like to myself look unique and fancy just like my truck. I do this for myself, not to attract men, which seems to be a common thing girls think.

Baah. Phew, rant over :)

No you are not alone, my wife is the same way, she hates kids. She is interested in her motorcycle & her Ford Escape, & sometimes my 69 Mustang. My wife loves going into the parts stores & asking the guys for parts & then embarrasses them when she knows more about cars/trucks then they do.:D

This is all I have to say about men giving women grief about four wheeling, mechanical ability, and life in general ;)

