Any place to go in NJ? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Any place to go in NJ?


Well-Known Member
March 24, 2002
Reaction score
City, State
Clinton, NJ
Year, Model & Trim Level
'97 XLT
Anybody know of any place to go offroading in North NJ/East Pennsy? I'm not looking for anything serious as my truck is all stock, but just a place to go and learn how to drive offroad...

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Join us at Paragon Adventure Park, located in Hazleton, PA. Here's the thread:
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I'd love to go, but I would need 3 weeks notice to get off of work... Plus the only offroad experience I have is driving down to my friends barn and hauling tree stumps and wood to the backyard, lol...

It's a great place to learn. Get some 31's and go there sometime. Too bad you don't have enough advance notice to make it this time. :(

About your name... theoutlawtorn14... a Metallica fan are you? The Outlaw Torn is song #14 on the Load album. A coincidence? I am a HUGE Metallica fan.

heh, you figured it out, no one has ever noticed before.. I must be honest here.. I loast a lot of respect for them when i found out about the ja rule song... but this is a conversation for a different forum.. now my new name for AIM/hotmail is Stingray69ZL1 that happens to be my all time favorite car ('69 Corvette Stingray with the ZL1 engine)

How much would that offroading lessons thing cost me at paragon? I know a lot of the basics, going up steep hills, crossing ditches, streams, some stuff with rocks and bumps... I'm gonna sound stupid here but, here goes.. when you say get some 31's.. you mean tires?

I'm not sure how much things cost at Paragon anymore. They've changed stuff a lot since I've been there. Check for info.

I do mean tires. :)

dude... theres a few places here in jersey... one good place I just heard about is up in suffern, and the pinies down south... other then that... Pennsy it is.....
