anybody used sound activated neon | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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anybody used sound activated neon


Elite Explorer
October 18, 2001
Reaction score
City, State
Red Wing, MN
Year, Model & Trim Level
1996 xlt
will be ordering one 20" tube of this to mount on my sub box soon. unless someone has had problems with this type of set-up. i would get the neon from street glow. are they easy to adjust (how much sound it needs)? what happens if you go from tons of bass to a lower bass setting? does it need to be readjusted for every different volume? or does one general setting work for most normal listening volumes (loud)? i guess i'm a little worried that different songs and stuff will not work with the same setting as other songs and i don't want to have that problem. is this even a issue?

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do it,
you'll like the outcome,
for 33.00 i believe give or take a dollar you can get a 20 inch sound activated one from streetglow'll like it.. sensetivity is nice....hard to explain.

I like it. for 33.00 you can't go wrong.

how bright is it, does it distract the driver? is it easily visible from the outside? i want to make sure its visible from outside of the truck with stock window tint, adn not annoying to me while driving.

I have one. You can see it from the outside but only if you are looking down into the car at the tube. It's not like you could be parked behind the car and see the interior glowing. Through the windsheid it'll give this effect though depending on the placement of the tube. On the inside it'll be bright and light things up well. It won't be distracting so long as you can't see the tube in your rear view mirror...but how distracting something is to me might be different than to you. I thought the tube was a good investment. I enjoyed it.


hey Expo-

i was looking at the pics of your X and i was wondering where you got that Cobra HO plate for your engine.


thats a real cobra engine that i dropped in there! i promise!

texas mustang has all of that kind of goodies, and they are generally pretty well priced.

how much did it cost for everything for that cobra engine? did you dyno it?

its not a real cobra mill. although it does make as much or slightly more power than the pre 96 cobra mustangs and the early lightnings. so i felt it deserved to be badged an svt cobra model.
for that matter an actual 5.0 cobra mill swap into an x would be almost meaningless. with the right cam and air flow mods a 302p explorer mill will actually make more power than the 5.0 cobras did. it would not be cost effective to swap a cobra 5.0 into an x since there would be no real gain

i too have that rare green interior. i feel special now that i saw it in your signature. before that i just thought it was kind of an ugly color. i even covered my leather seats with black and white seat covers.

i love the green interior. hate the beige one.. sorry everyone else with a beige one. it matches my exterior, and is a change from the beiges ones that are everywhere. ihow much did you spend on your swap? did you do it yourself? or get it done?


LMAO !!! Dead Link Removed

I think he was asking how much that plate was. And how much horse power increase you got by changing the plate.

the dyno run would have cost much more that the efi plate. for real though i recently had some fuel injectors go out and the intake had to be removed which was a problem because i didn't apply enough downforce while turning the screws on top of the efi plate to remove it and i stripped one of them, then i ended up having to drill it out pretty good to remove it and fix the injectors. then once it was off i remembered seeing the cobra piece and decided to place the order. despite the lack of real dyno numbers i would estimate the performance gains to have been about 250 hp. before the piece was installed (and the engine wouldn't start due to the fuel injectors) the truck had no effective hp and after it was installed it had at least some hp. a more than thousand percent improvement. that was some piece of equipment>
