Anyone do 4th gen fog lights on 3rd gen | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Anyone do 4th gen fog lights on 3rd gen


Well-Known Member
March 2, 2008
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Year, Model & Trim Level
2002 4.6 Limited
:exp:Just wanted to know if anyone put 4th gen fog lights yet?

Im thinking of doing it and wanted to know if you have seen pic's or write up.

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3rd Gen

4th Gen

I am sure you could do it, but it will take some time. So other than a visual appeal, it shouldn't really work much better. The only thing I like about 4th gens is the 3V motor, 6-speed trans and the taillights.

i know the out put would be around the same. just like the longer look like f150 fogs over the small rounds.

I like the look at night more than anything

You could pull your factory ones out, fiberglass a new hole for the new lights, paint it black and viola!!!! I think it would look good, but i'd be to lazy to do it:D

doable yes, but it would be a huge P.I.T.A. You would need to do a custom bumper cover to pull it off.

doable yes, but it would be a huge P.I.T.A. You would need to do a custom bumper cover to pull it off.

I was thinking where the fog lights currently reside, take that off, modify it to hold the new lights (assuming the new lights are not larger than the stock housing) and there you go. So no new bumper, just where the fogs are?

i have both a 4th gen and a 3rd gen sitting in my drive way lol, i think the gen 4 housings are to DEEP to fit in the stock locations on the passenger side, i need to take some measurements. plus, putting square housings in a round box would look funny.

Yeah I guess it would look a little funny, but depending on how clean it can be done, may not be too bad?

I may try to chop some pics, so give me a min or two:D

what if you flipped the 4th gen fogs upside down so the angled part matches the bumper better? i think that would make it look more oem looking. limited do a chop with the fog lights mounted upside down.

I have been trying to make a decent pic using Paint on my laptop. Can't really do as much as I can with the program on my desktop, because the computer is acting up!!! I am going to try again:( So until then, close your eyes and visualize the change:D
