anyone else having problems with their strobes? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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anyone else having problems with their strobes?

I just bought a second set of the piolet strobes and the are messing up again. every few flashes, one side will not come on, then the same to the other side. after that it is back to normal.... for a few seconds when it does it again

did i do something wrong when wireing it, of it this the kind of preformance you get for 10 dollar strobes?

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Originally posted by 94Matt

did i do something wrong when wireing it, of it this the kind of preformance you get for 10 dollar strobes?

basically, you get what you pay for.
get the REAL police/emergency vehicle strobes. they cost more, but will look great and last a long time.

that was what i was wondering. well i guess i will have to start saving up now for all my future lighting mods

I've had 3 sets of SG stroebs now, for almost 6 months, and theyve never died on me..i also have the strobe controler to control them.


Or mabey get some of thsees suckers :) just got em from galls

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two questions: where did you get them (site), and which ones are they?
BTW nice truck. I want to run some neons for my interior.

bmxboy, those are the headlight strobes from galls? wow they are bright! they look brighter than high beams. which kit (controller)from galls did you get?

I got them from galls.... 40 watt power supply, and 4 gall strobes (oh, by the way, when i added the other two...the brightness went down a little becasue of the added strobes :( )

