Anyone replace the TTB pivot bushings | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Anyone replace the TTB pivot bushings


Well-Known Member
June 17, 2008
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1991 XLT Manual Locks
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I want to do this job. I wondering can I just lift the truck off the suspension. Place stands on the frame letting the suspension just hang. Go straight to the bushing just take out the bolt press out the bushing then re-align hole push the bolt back in. I was wondering if I don't take anything else off just pull out that bolt will it be hard to line the axle housing to put the bolt back through. Or will it line back up pretty easy. I was thinking maybe the spring pressure might fight against me. I seen a youtube vid someone did it like this on a F150. He didn't actually show putting the bolt back through but didn't mention is was hard. What I'm saying is I'm not going to remove the TTB just press the bushing out while its on the truck.

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When I change the axle pivot bushings I like to take the spring out.

If I don't do that you have to fight the spring/axle to get the pivot point lined up again.

I use couple floor jacks to maneuver the beam since it's awkward to try to move yourself, especially the driver side which is heavier.


Have you ever tried it with the spring in to see if you could

Have you ever tried it with the spring in to see if you could

Yes, and it took two people and a few pry bars plus swearing to get it back in there.. I never did it that way again..

Keep in mind though, I've only changed the bushings 3 times in almost 400k miles, although I have had the beams down a few more times for upgrades etc..


OK then worse case I have to drop the spring if I can't get it lined back.

one other question where does that rubber ring go?


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OK then worse case I have to drop the spring if I can't get it lined back.

one other question where does that rubber ring go?

Mine never came with those... Mine were just the bushings with the metal sleeve.

BTW, a good air chisel seems to work the best to get the hold bushings (with steel) out. I removed the rubber part first though.. I just ran a drill around the rubber to get it out, then used the air chisel/hammer to bend the sleeve so it kinda crushed inward and then it would fall out.


I have C frame press

You should do a how-to write up when you do it!

Also, just wondering why you are replacing them? Are they visibly shot? Or just as a preventative measure?

Been chasing a noise. A thunk noise when I back up and hit the brakes. When I go forward and hit the brakes I get a thunk sound. I've replaced RA bushings it wasn't that. I replaced U/L ball joints its not that. I replaced my sway bar end link bushings its not that. All those things needed replacing but it wasn't the source of the noise. If this doesn't fix the noise what is next?

Did you get the bushings in? Noise go away?

Benjam :D

just by chance did you check the metal clip that goes on the front brake pad this can make a clunking sound also if it is gone .

Did you get the bushings in? Noise go away?

Benjam :D

No still procrastinating on this job. Just been living with the clunk sound for now. But its still on my list to do..

Been chasing a noise. A thunk noise when I back up and hit the brakes. When I go forward and hit the brakes I get a thunk sound. I've replaced RA bushings it wasn't that. I replaced U/L ball joints its not that. I replaced my sway bar end link bushings its not that. All those things needed replacing but it wasn't the source of the noise. If this doesn't fix the noise what is next?

Lube the slip yoke?

when you get to it check the anti rattle clip on the brake pad . I think that is your clunking sound .

No its a thunk I can feel on the floorboard in the center area of the floor its definitely suspension. I know what a driveline slap sounds like I do have that a little. Sometime when letting off accelerating I can hear my driveline yoke slap. I do appreciate the suggestions I hope it could be something easier then TTB bushing!

No its a thunk I can feel on the floorboard in the center area of the floor its definitely suspension. I know what a driveline slap sounds like I do have that a little. Sometime when letting off accelerating I can hear my driveline yoke slap. I do appreciate the suggestions I hope it could be something easier then TTB bushing!

It's the slip yoke (!!). Or I will eat my hat. haha. Lubing the slip yoke is a lot easier than changing the axle pivot bushing.

Wouldn't that sound be coming from the back end and under the dash floor.

Which slip yoke are you talking about? Are you saying lubing the splines explain to me how this stops a clunking sound..

I tried to do it that way and it was such a pain to get things to line up that I disassembled the whole shebang to finish the job. I ended up replacing ball joints and everything else since I was that deep. I suppose it can do done, but I don't see and easy way to make it happen. Though its a lot of work I had no troubles getting everything to line up and go back together and now that I have done this future work has been made easier.

Wouldn't that sound be coming from the back end and under the dash floor.

Which slip yoke are you talking about? Are you saying lubing the splines explain to me how this stops a clunking sound..

The driveshaft slip yoke. If its dry, it'll cause a clunk exactly like you describe, under the exact conditions you describe. It clunks because of front-to-back movement in the driveline. It's designed to move front-to-back and when it is dry or gets washed out it will be clunk-o-rama.

I just find it easier to lube that, than to change an axle pivot bushing. Or balljoints. Or radius arm bushings. Or a lot of other jobs. I could be wrong, but if I am, you won't be out much effort.

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Mine never came with those... Mine were just the bushings with the metal sleeve.

BTW, a good air chisel seems to work the best to get the hold bushings (with steel) out. I removed the rubber part first though.. I just ran a drill around the rubber to get it out, then used the air chisel/hammer to bend the sleeve so it kinda crushed inward and then it would fall out.


Got a part #/link for the replacement?
