Anyone use Eclipse Subs | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Anyone use Eclipse Subs


Well-Known Member
March 25, 2000
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{Home:}Iron Mountain, MI {School:}MTU Houghton, MI {Co-op:}Appleton, WI
Year, Model & Trim Level
'00 XLS
I'm looking at buying an Eclipse SW8102.4 and right now I have a JL 10W6. Just wanted to know if anyone has any experience with Eclipse and/or JL and what you all have to say about the Eclipse subs vs. the JL W6's. I've done my research and was going to get the DVC but my rockford amp is stable at 4ohms bridged/mono so I thought this one would be better, because I'll have a 3.1ohm load (look at the paramters) vs. a 2ohm load if I was to get the DVC.

So if anyone has any input on Eclipse Subwoofers, I'd really like to hear the what you all have to say about the +/- of these subs. Thanks!

Eclipse and JL are both great companys. it would come down to personal preference. you cant really say that one is "better" than the other. personally i like Eclipse better. but others might be die hard JL fans. you should listen to both and see what you think. but keep in mind, you have to pick the sub that will work best with YOUR setup. not the demo wall, room, or vehicle of a car audio shop. good luck.

eclipse stuff is great.... but if there prices for subs are anything like their headunit prices are.... well, then thats just way too rich for my blood

i know someone that has a 15" eclipse subwoofer. i dont know what model it is but i do know that it has a 1000 watt JL amp going to it.....holy **** is this thing loud! i cant even express how loud this thing is, i mean i really love bass and i have a JL12w6v2 with a 500 watt JL amp, but this thing was too loud. it started to piss me off:eek:
