ARB bull bar for Ex's | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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ARB bull bar for Ex's


May 17, 2003
Reaction score
City, State
Winchester Virginia
Year, Model & Trim Level
'93 EB Explorer
i've seen random pictures of arb bull bar bumpers on 1st generation explorers and i was wondering if anything new anything about them. The only Ex i saw that info on it was from England and I didn't know if it was possible to find them or if possible buy them here in the states.

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it isnt possible, they made them once, but no longer do.... look to duff or another fabricator like coryl or someone like that

What I have seen is an ARB bumper made for a different truck adapted to fit the Explorer. Read Jeep Cherokee.....

That is one expensive project if it doesnt work out though :)

I love my Duff bumpers :)

Could be done...

look here:

this particular bumper is an ARB repro... handles winch too... I bought it in Poland late last year and sent it via Ocean Freight... just got it last month... here it is sitting in front of my truck:

It could be done you see. I was waiting a long time and patiently searched for an ARB... almost bought TJM but realized that they make them out of aluminum... backed out. My patience paid off. I'm trying now to convince someone to build them here... tought luck... kennesaw came close but still, not the same and a bit too square.

Good luck searching.

i can get Keenesaw to make anything you want... come up with a basic design and email it to me or PM it to me and i will have him get an estimate for you.:D

Kennesaw doesn't come even close to what we need or are looking for. Also, last big order we gave him was a huge mistake... nobody ever got their complaints resolved. That's not only us complaining... Jeepers had problems with fitting bumpers too... and also had many craftsmanship issues... poor quality. I believe there was only one guy here on this board that was satisfied... Anywas... I'm still waiting for the prices of these bumpers. If ARB and TJM can ship their products from Australia we can definatelly get a quote from a shop in europe... as long as they build the right stuff.

If you deal with Keenesaw right you can get your stuff for cheap though. I had orderd Sliders for my old truck that cost 275, after lots of complaining i got them down to 75 and had a local shop make them work for 25$

so i got a set of sliders for 100$ Not bad IMHO but you gotta deal with his BS:rolleyes:

I would rather pay someone to do it right the first time than deal with Kyle's BS...

ill deal with his BS as long as i can get it really cheap.:rolleyes:

Nissanboy, if you search this site you will find that guy is not popular here for many reasons.........maybe cheap. maybe works for you, but he did not do a good job for the people on this board.

and we gave him a nice size order... from what I've heard he's been like this with everyone. Not a good aproach when you really depend on getting more business from guys like us. Check other forums... Jeep, Ranger... they all don't have much good to say about Kennesaw...
