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Arizona Run March 27-28 2004

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If anyone is interested in riding along. I'll have an empty seat. There's no way Char is going to be ready to be jarred around like that yet.

Cool my kids can ride with you guys.:D
Wow It'll be so quiet in my truck.

Dannyboy emailed me. He'll be riding shotgun.

Oh, BTW. I blew a Swamper today driving down the road. For some reason the sidewall decided it needed to ventilate itself while I was doing about 50mph.

Right now I have my spare Goodyear MTR on there, but I'm going to need to do something more permanent before the run. I'm not having an easy time finding what I want at least not at the right price :(.

Originally posted by offroadkc
Cool my kids can ride with you guys.:D
Wow It'll be so quiet in my truck.

Originally posted by Rick
Oh, BTW. I blew a Swamper today driving down the road. For some reason the sidewall decided it needed to ventilate itself while I was doing about 50mph.
That musta been a blast :eek:

Originally posted by Jefe

That musta been a blast :eek:

The Explorer rolled 4 or 5 times. But I drove out of it and all is well:D ;)

It's funny, it blew on a road with a high square edged curb next to me with a little frontage road just on the other side. So when I got it down to about 5MPH I popped the truck over the curb and parked it on the frontage road. And that was with the front right tire being dead flat :D

Always ready with the camera :D


  • flat.jpg
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Big offroad tires kick butt! I feel safer getting a flat with a big offroad tire than with regular ones.

Time for some IROKs Rick???

So did you have the spare in back? Looks like you still don't have a rear bumper. Whats up with that anyway?

Originally posted by Johnstone
Big offroad tires kick butt! I feel safer getting a flat with a big offroad tire than with regular ones.

Time for some IROKs Rick???
Naw IROK's are too skinny. Just wouldn't look right going back to a 12.5 wide.



Originally posted by Jefe
Naw IROK's are too skinny. Just wouldn't look right going back to a 12.5 wide.



<cough>37" Krawlers</cough>

Originally posted by Jefe
Speaking of . . you had a chance to test out yours?

And thats a heck of a deal on 'em. . .even with shipping.

Finally got them on. Headed to Hollister on the 27th to play with them, and then off to the Hammers in April (14th - 18th). I need to trim some in the back to make them fit better.

They are *HUGE*. They dwarf the MTR's, even though both tires are supposed to be 35's. and the 13.50 width also helps.

I will take the jumpseat in the back Rick.
Its the only seat in your truck that I fit in, and its the smallest one!
I tried sitting in your passanger seat while the truck was at FST.
My head was hitting the roof and my feet would not fit in the space next to the roll bar.
Maybe we could get Samples and Matt to go.
I will ask on Saturday

I love that pic of the big a$$ truck and the little bottle jack.
I go the other way and use my high-lift on my Camry.
That way I don't have to bend over to change the tire, I just lift it up to me.

Originally posted by Jefe
So did you have the spare in back? Looks like you still don't have a rear bumper. Whats up with that anyway?

Yeah, did you sell that yet?


Have a good time for me. I will be there in spirit!!!
If Laurie wasn't so damn pregnant, I would be there!!
(I guess it's part my fault too:))

Next year for sure!!



So who all still going to be here next weekend?

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