ATTN: '98 SOHC owners | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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ATTN: '98 SOHC owners


Explorer Addict
February 6, 2001
Reaction score
City, State
Levittown, NY (Long Island)
Year, Model & Trim Level
98 Sport 4.0 SOHC 4x4
just like me, im sure plenty of people have had trouble finding exhaust for their '98 2 door SOHC. i pretty much only want borla and i have tried just about ALL truck product sites and have found nothing (there isnt even a kit listed on, so i assume that they just dont make one), and i have a few questions.

1) will the borla kit for the 97 (or any other year) SOHC fit the 98 SOHC?

2) if no other kit will fit, then im sure that other people have gone custom, using a borla muffler and getting the pipes done question is, exactly which borla muffler should be used for this?

ANY comments/suggestions are appreciated, and please be as specific as possible (i.e.: sites that have the kit, or model # of particular muffler.)

i cant believe the lack of aftermarket parts for the 98 SOHC that are made for almost every other year & model explorer.

thanks in advance

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ive got the same thing as you, and the only thing we can do is go custom. i personally would choose a flowmaster, but see if borla makes a good muffler that is dual in and dual out, that way you can run true duals from the engine, that would be your best bet, and get custom pipes

I looked at a co-worker's '98 SOHC Sport and compared his exhaust to my '97's SOHC Sport. I couldn't tell any difference. I would be willing to bet that my Borla would bolt right up to his exhaust. Borla has changed their Web-site around quite a bit since I bought mine about 6 months ago. I couldn't even find a listing on their site now for mine. When I got it it was for the '97-'98 High Output 4.0L V6. Mine has dual tips and bolted right in place of my factory exhaust. Maybe they haven't finished putting all of their products on the new format?

well, after robert's reply, i decided to call borla and find out if the kit for the '97 sohc would fit the '98 sohc. i talked to a technical guy there, and he said it's the same exact kit! so i guess people still have the option of getting custom pipes (it's probably cheaper to do this, considering the borla muffler is roughly $100), but im going with the borla kit for the '97 2-door sohc...i guess its just in my head to buy the whole kit, where every part is made by borla.

monochromus and robert and everyone who still might reply, thanks a ton for your input.

I remember someone telling me when I was looking for cat backs for my '99 sohc telling me the reason the 97 wouldnt fit is because Ford moved the cats a little bit and for that reason it wouldnt line up. I got a used cat back from someone on this site pretty cheap, and just used the muffler and had new piping run. It cost me less then 200 to do it. Sorry I cant be a little more specific about the changes that were made, bu I think it was borla that told me when I called to see if the one for a 97 would fit on my truck. Whether or not this change was on the 98's as well as the 99's I dont know. Hope this helps

well, i just got off the phone with Summit then Borla. apparently borla doesnt make the kit for ANY 2 door explorers anymore. they discontinued it in may of 2000. and the guy said that i couldnt even put a regular borla muffler on there, because the muffler in the explorer kit had a built in resonator because of this awful noise they used to get in the cabin. i guess ill try gibson?...maybe k&n?

thanks again,
tbomb (frustrated)

tbomb, the stock extra resonator can be removed. i would assume your best bet would be to go custom.... the Flowmaster seems to be the most popular muffler, and get custom pipes, it would cost $300 at most, some people can get $200, you have to go to a local muffler shop

Originally posted by tbomb
well, i just got off the phone with Summit then Borla. apparently borla doesnt make the kit for ANY 2 door explorers anymore. they discontinued it in may of 2000. and the guy said that i couldnt even put a regular borla muffler on there, because the muffler in the explorer kit had a built in resonator because of this awful noise they used to get in the cabin. i guess ill try gibson?...maybe k&n?

thanks again,
tbomb (frustrated)

I ordered my Borla kit through Carparts On-line right at the end of August and since they don't stock anything, I'm sure they had it dropshipped from Borla.

i think im going to end up going custom (its also cheaper, better because its welded, and warrantied.) ive heard a lot of good things about dynomax. so right now its up the air between dynomax and flowmaster 50 series. thanks everyone for your input.

You may want to try this place called MacNeil Automotive
I think they do have a website,not too sure though. They are a auto mail order company based in Downers Grove,Il. I purchased a Borla catback for my '98 Sport 4x4 . It sounds great! Sorry if it does not help you.

SOHC Parts of any kind

I have owned many mustangs and have a 91 sitting waiting for the spring. I say this because this is very strange for me to have problems finding parts that would/could upgrade my performance to my 98 SOHC Sport. Vanir has rods, pistons, MAS and some other things but lets face it if we can't get more than 10/20 from a chip and a K&N then we don't need rods! If we can't get a TB we may not need the MAS Where are the superchargers, headers, intake.... and so on! With 35" tires I need some help. If i don't find something soon I will put in a 351 EFI.

I Need ft lbs!
