AWD Question | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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AWD Question

Slush Box

Well-Known Member
June 20, 2002
Reaction score
City, State
Panama City, FL
Year, Model & Trim Level
1999 Mazda Protegé LX
Ok i have a 2001 Sport EX right and i was thinking if an AWD swop would work for my front end. My friend says it might be able to be done but would be expensive. Maybe not worth it but man that would be great to see a 2001 Sport with a 5.0 and AWD. Tell me what you guys think and any suggestions are welcome. Just a thought really most likely won't happen. Well not while i have a payment anyways. Thanks

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You could do anything you want if you have the $ to back it up with. What you're asking is not entirely out of the question, since there is already a V8 AWD X made. It would just be a lot of time and money to swap everything. It would be way cool though.. wouldn't it? :chug:

you could if you want, but if your gonna go through all that trouble why dont you just get real 4wd?

i like my awd though... long live the v8 awd :chug:

Well see yeah it would be cool but i don't want 4 wheel drive i want mine for the street. I have mine lowered 2" all around and having AWD would make it fire off the line and handle alot better. Plus i have heard its good on insurance. My friend says if i'm going to go ahead and get the AWD i might as well get the 5.0 from the 96-97 Limited. Just finding one would be hard about like 5 grand for a totaled one. I just think it would be like the only 2001 Sport or any sport period with a 5.0 and AWD. Thanks for the thoughts guys.

do u have emissions? cus i think if u want to do an engine swap.. u need an engine from the same year or newer... not sure though.. u should research that a bit more before the swap

Yeah i'm an LEV ( Low Emissions Vehicle ). Its really just a thought i would love it to happen but who knows. Someone did tell that it has to be a 2001 for it to work.

Get yourself a 1999-2001 Explorer V8 AWD and swap over the engine, trans, t-case, front drive shaft, all four cats, V8 radiator, V8 throttle and cruise cables, MAF, engine wiring harness and EECV. The engine wire harness will plug right into your body harness, with probably no re-pinning. Get a 1999 or newer, as your truck and the 1999+ have returnless fuel system.

I did a V8 explorer swap into my 1999 Ranger. I had a complete Explorer chassis, which strangely enough I bought several years earlier to do just the swap you are talking about. But, before I could do it I sold the Sport for a 4-Door Mount with V8. Then I had the chassis sitting until I finally got around to putting the drive train in my Ranger.

The swap took 3-4 weeks by the time I had all straightened out. Total cost ~$3500-4000. Piece of cake.

Check our www.rangerpowersports for more info on the Explorer V8 swap.

Hell yeah thats the most straight forward answer thanks alot. I really would like to do it but yeah funding would be a ***** but it would be sweet.
