Axle Swap Decesions....... | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Axle Swap Decesions.......

Alright, heres my story. On saturday I am picking up a Dana 44 for a solid swap, AND Im getting a great deal on it. The dude who i am buying it from also has loads of Dana 60 rear axles. He is selling those for cheap also, and i am thinking of picking up one of those also. My problem is, should i use it/do i need it? It would be kinda nice to have the extra strength in case i need it.

I have been back and forth on this topic...sometimes i think, nah...i won't get it...sometimes i think...yeah! im gonna get it!! and then other times i think, i can get it (since it would only be $125)...clean it up...throw in a locker, and turn around to sell it for profit. GRR!! WHAT DO I DO?!?! I've been going round and round and round and round and round and round and...whoa....gettin dizzy....

So i need help from those of you that know about dana 60's...what are the pros and cons of putting in this axle? I know its going to have to be shortened, and im going to have to change thats covered. Pros? Cons?

Thanx in advance!!!!

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Leave it at 8 lug put 8 lug axles in the 44 don't shorten either one and you got yourself a mean truck! :) Either way you would have a beefy drivetrain. The only deal with the Dana 60 is you need to be running at least 38's or better to make it worth your while for off-roading for how low the pig hangs on it.

Yeah...i was thinking the same thing about the what im wondering, is can it be trimmed? i thought i saw an articel in Peterson's a while back that said somthing about that.....hmm.....any advice on trimming?

Check out the December issue....if you need a copy of it give me a yell....I've got it right next to me.

whats on the cover?

To be honest with you.....I don't know. It's missing the cover just like most of my mags. If I'd have to guess I'd say a suzuki.

found it lee, its the tan toyota on its side, in case you were wondering. thanx!

Is the dana 60 heavier than the 8.8? if so, how much? would the weight cause a problem for the leaf springs when in full droop?

ARGH!!! I have both axles, i just can't decide on the 60 or not!! ARGH!!!!!

remember the atlas

remember the atlas t case thats all i have to say lol

If you have the D60 already, I would go with that one. It is stronger than the 44 so I would definately go with it. Think about what you might do in the future. Bigger tires? More HP? I think if you go with the 60 you won't regret it.

well..i probably am going to go w\ bigger tires. one thing that i was hoping to stay away from, though is 16" rims. With the dana 60, the drums are too large to accept 15" rims. so if i do put on the 60, then i would need to convert the 44 for the front to an 8 lug also. then new rims and tires. sheesh!! decesions decesions....

You are really turning that thing into a monster huh Scott? Pretty soon you'll have to buy a daily driver....Dead Link Removed

heh heh heh...already in the works!! hows this one for $9550, eh? 3500 dually w\ a cummins turbo diesel!! more torque!! arh arh arh arh arh!!

Dead Link Removed

i applied for a loan on friday!!!

Looks great Scott, but there is one MAJOR problem with it. It's a DODGE!!!

To be honest, I am not sure how I would feel following a Dodge pulling a couple of Fords. That could cause some flack along the way.

You can't find a 2 or 350 anywhere?

[Edited by 2001ExpSport on 12-31-2000 at 08:57 PM]

not that i can really gonna be taking on 2 payments with this beast (though it is still smaller than your 1 payment!! haha!). See, I really don't dislike dodges. In fact i kinda like em! I even get Mopar muscle magazine! hehe so i got no problem pulling a ford, designed for one thing, with a dodge, designed for somthing completely different. But you would never EVER catch me in a Chevy!!! NEVER!!!!

uh oh...i never thought of that!!!!! hmmmm........

HEY, don't give this guy any ideas!!


Here's something I picked up at a truck stop on my way home from CT.

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well..i decided im going to stick witht he 8.8 rear end. so i have a dana 60 for sale.

oh yeah..and i got the loan!! WOO HOO!! the truck is as good as mine!!!
