AZ Rock Crawl Competition last weekend (photos) | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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AZ Rock Crawl Competition last weekend (photos)


Pumpkin Pilot
Staff member
Elite Explorer
February 8, 1999
Reaction score
City, State
Wayoutin, Aridzona
Year, Model & Trim Level
'93 XL '20 ST
This was supposed to be a big event, but ARCA couldn't get affordable permits from the BLM so the locals put on their own run.

My friend Mike Porter is in the black Wrangler with the green bumpers. Some of you may remember Mike from the rockcrawling incident in front of his house.

Here is the link to last weekends photos:

And this is the link to the "incident"

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Did a semi truck full of boulders jacknife in your friend's front yard. And then they came to the rescue in their J@@ps to save the driver's life? I suspect the incident involved someone calling the cops. What's the story?

Those photos were taken the day he put the boulders in his yard for his own practice course. Mike took his nieces for a ride onto the rocks. They were about 10-12 years old.

A cop drove up and saw the kids in the Jeep. He freaked out and ordered the jeep to stop and have the kids removed while the truck was still on the rock pile. Well the kids father was spotting Mike (his brother) and he said no way are we taking the kids out from up there. He felt it was more dangerous than just driving down.

So they drove the Jeep down against the cops orders and the cop called for backup. You see they failed to obey the orders of a cop... 5 cop cars showed up including the guys sargeant.

The cop wrote Mike up for 2 counts of felony child endangerment. The sargaent said since he wasn't there to witness the event he had to backup his officer.

The next day the county prosecuter through out the charges.

Brian, I'm not sure exactly which trail it was. It was in the Florence area though near Martinez.

Originally posted by zensius
Did a semi truck full of boulders jacknife in your friend's front yard. And then they came to the rescue in their J@@ps to save the driver's life? I suspect the incident involved someone calling the cops. What's the story?

Cops came because of "child abuse" or something like that. They thought the kids were in danger in that jeep on top of all the rocks even when all the proper safety equipment and supervision was there. Rick can explain more.

(Guess rick beat me to it) LOL

Someone should have told the cops, what's more dangerous doing this in my front yard or doing it out on the trail miles away from any sort of medical help. It doesn't look any worse than taking the kids on a nice drive through the desert.

Sad thing is Robert, he was told that. His response was "I don't care, someone needs to make a decision what is safe for the children whether it's in the city or in the desert".

On the other side of the coin, my neighbor is also a Phoenix cop. I printed out the photos, and asked him what he would do if he came across that situation. He said it looked awsome and he would stop to check it out. I asked about the kids in the jeep and he said no problem as long as they were belted, and they were.

This took me back in time, was before I was a member .

You had to print the pictures.

Now a phone can show them . 20 years, lot has changed.
